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Barbie's POV

We all went back to the shore outside the cave. Since there were a lot of us we decided to split into two groups.

Luckily, Patricia brought along her own speedboat. Me, Renee and Ken boarder one while Teresa, Patricia, and Blake rode the other.

Their other friends and Barbie’s family followed close behind us but I stopped them before they can join in.

This was really dangerous and I couldn't risk them getting hurt.

“Sorry Mom and Dad. But we’re luring the bad guys so it’s going to he very dangerous. That goes the same for you guys.” I told my friends.

“Yeah, I agree,” Blake added. “It’s better you people stay here. You should be safe in the back end of the island there’s a cove there that you can hide in.”

“Alright. But be careful sweetheart,” mom said.

“I will, Mom.”

“Good luck, Malibu! You got this, girl. Go kick some ass!”

“Thanks, Brooklyn!”

And after a couple more exchange of goodbyes. We sped off.

We didn’t even reach a hundred yards when we heard someone chasing us form behind.

Ken and I looked behind and saw the bad guys gaining on us. Pearlman, Vlad, Joe, and Marty were on jet skis while Dunbar rode in his own speedboat with Marlo right beside him.

"Great!" I muttered, "Ken, why didn't you stay behind with others?"

"I told you already. I'm not leaving you to deal with these people!" Ken said firmly as I groaned.

Right then I heard  sound of gunshots.

"Heads down everyone!" I exclaimed.

"Barbie! What's the plan?" Patricia asked, "We can't continue this crazy goose chase!"
She had a point.

"You're right....we need to get rid of the detonator....for good!" I replied.

"But how?!" Teresa asked.

"We have to throw it in the ocean!" Ken smirked.

I smiled. "Not a bad idea. But we need to be far away from those guys."

"I'm on it!" Patricia said as she increased the speed.

After a while it seemed like the bad guys were getting closer and closer.

"We can't waste any more time," Ken said seriously, "We need to get rid of that damn thing!"

But before I could give him the detonator we were surrounded with nearly ten speedboats.

And I knew for sure they weren't I3 agents or else their guns wouldn't be pointed at us.

"Hand over the detonator and no one will get hurt," Dunbar laughed.

I turned around.
"Sure! Come and get it!" I exclaimed.

I proceeded to throw it as far as I could in the ocean.

"No! You'll pay for this!" he growled angrily.

"Can't we just send others to fetch it?" Marty suggested.

"No you idiot! That thing wasn't waterproof," Dunbar growled as I smirked.

"I think we have to get out of here before they reconsider not shooting at us," Ken said quietly.

“Right.” I nodded. “You heard the man, Renee, step on it!”

“Aye aye cap’n.” The girl jams her foot on the pedal and we sped away from the blockade. Teresa’s boat promptly followed.


The bad guys were all too stunned with their quick getaway and the detonator now sinking into the deep ocean.

“Boss!” Marlo shakes Dunbar’s shoulder. “What do we do now?”

He smirked. He had another plan.

Barbie's POV

I let out a sigh of relief.

I glanced at my back to see the bad guys heading towards the opposite direction of where we were headed.

"Where are they going?" Renee asked.

I noticed they were headed towards a ship.

"That's Pearlman's ship!" Ken exclaimed.

"They're trying to get away! But not on my watch!" I hissed, "They've done enough harm to everyone."

Right then Renee's phone started ringing.
Renee picked it up.

"Aunt Zoe!!....yes we have our eyes on them! They're about to escape," Renee said and then put the phone on speaker.

"Alright... we're on way. Stay in the boat and wait for my next orders," Ms. Z said.

"By then, they're going to be miles away from here and we'll never get them!" I exclaimed, "Knowing Dunbar, he'll plan something even worse and cause an even bigger chaos! I'm going after them!"

"Barbie...Don't! It's way too risky to go there with no backup."

"But if we manage to corner him we can defeat him once and for all. Please....I have to go in there," I pleaded

"No. You're staying in the boat with others and that's final!" Ms. Z said firmly.

I glanced at the ship.

But what if he got away?! Then there would be a chance that he would return.

I glanced at my friends sadly.

"I'm sorry....if anything happened to me, please protect my family," I muttered.

"Barbie! Don't you dare!"

But before she could say anything more I hung up.

Renee looked at me shocked.
But before she could argue I got control over the speedboat and sped off towards the ship.

"Barbie! You know this is crazy! Please....I can't let you get hurt!" Ken said as he grabbed my arm.

I pulled him in a hug.
"It's going to be alright."

And with that I grabbed my zipline backpack and snuck in the ship.

"Boss, what's the plan?" I could hear Marlo say.

"I have my ways. I have enough moles in other agencies around the world...which helps with my plan B!" Dunbar replied darkly.

I stepped out of my hiding spot.
"There won't be a plan B!" I yelled, "Cause you're going down! You caused enough harm to everyone and I'm going to make sure you're not getting away with anything!"

Right then his henchmen surrounded me.
I glanced around....then I grabbed a smoke bomb from my pocket and threw it at them.

A moment later, all of his henchmen were passed out on the ground.
"Lazlo's new inventions are definitely cool," I said with a smirk.

But before I could celebrate my victory I felt someone grabbing me by neck causing me to gasp in surprise.

"It was really foolish of you to come in here.... I'm going to make sure you won't get out of here alive!" Dunbar hissed as he tightened his grip on my neck causing me to choke.

Determined to fight back I activated my GLISS pushing him off.

I fell on the ground coughing.
I stood up ready to fight.

A/N: A battle is around the corner. Did Barbie do the right take the risk to stop Dunbar at all cost?

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