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Barbie's POV

I rubbed my temples in exhaustion.
"This is not good. Okay...first off, we need to get information real fast. Teresa! How's the process of the work?" I asked.

Teresa sighed.
"I must say...whoever is doing this knows what they're doing."

I groaned.

"Now what?!" Brooklyn asked.
"Ooo I have an idea!" Teresa exclaimed.

"What?!" I asked eagerly.
"You know how we all felt someone's watching us?! Maybe someone really was....I already hack into security cameras of all around the resort! If anyone was indeed watching us, we'll know!"

All of us stared at the screen watching footages of recent events.

"Teresa, pause that scene," I said.
She quickly did so.
Right then I noticed a woman...wearing a hat and sunglasses.

"It's her," I said, "She was the mysterious person who kept on watching us...I just saw her everywhere we went!"

"I'm going to see where she goes," Teresa said.

I nodded. "Meanwhile we need to make sure we're not being watched. So everyone, close the windows, pull the curtains. And do not go anywhere unless you absolutely have to. And make sure, you take one of us three with you."

Time Skip
Several hours later

Who knew waiting in a hotel room waiting for Teresa to find something could drive someone nuts?!

I was pacing a bit nervously when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I gasped.

"Whoa! It's just me," Ken said, "Are you okay?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."
"Was someone really watching us? Is this why you were kinda out of it for the entire week?" Ken whispered to me...he kinda sounded worried.

I nodded. I just felt so bad for keeping it from him.

"Ooo! I got it!" Teresa exclaimed, "According to this this mysterious woman went to a warehouse not so far away from the shore. That place has been abandoned for years now!"

With that she grabbed a pen and wrote down something and handed the paper to me.
"I wrote the address...but now what?!"

"We gotta go to that address and investigate things before they expect us," I replied, "But considering the fact that we're being watched closely, we can't go out there without any plans or disguise."

Nikki jumped up. "I got it!" she exclaimed.

"What?!" Renee asked.

"Guys, have you forgotten that I am a fashion designer? I can design some disguises for you in no time!" she replied.

I smiled. We just needed the perfect plan.

The next day
Nobody's POV

the teens set out to find Barbie’s family.

The spies headed out to where the werehouse was while the others stayed at the resort to watch out for suspicious activity.

“Be careful,” Ken said as they boarded their motorcycles.

Barbie smiled at his thoughtfulness. “I will. Thanks Ken.”

Teresa handed out the new communications device that Lazlo delivered. “Alright, gang. Communication is key to our mission. We need to update each other every time we find out about something.”

Renee steps forward. “Because the more clues we find, the faster it will be to saving Barbie’s sisters and parents.”

Barbie's POV

With that I rode my bike to the to the given address.

"There's a seaside restaurant, a warehouse and that ship which looks really familiar," Renee said.

"I'm going to check the the warehouse," I replied as I adjusted the disguise Nikki gave me and walked towards the warehouse.

Luckily the window was already open so I had no problem sneaking inside.

Inside the warehouse I could see some men bringing packages inside there.

"Is everything unloaded?" a familiar voice asked.

I peeked to see who it was.
I stared for a moment.

It was a woman with short red hair and strangely enough she looked familiar but I couldn't see her face.

"Yes, ma'am," said another man.

Then she turned around towards the packages and I could see her face.

I covered my mouth to prevent myself from gasping out loud.

"That's Marlo! What is she doing here?" I whispered as I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and snapped some pictures.

"Good! And make sure those little nosy spies don't get in the way. Boss doesn't anything getting in the way of the plan!" Marlo snapped, "Also did you bring me what we ordered?"

The man nodded and handed her a device with a big red button.

"Here you go!" he said.

What is that thing?

Without thinking twice I zoomed the camera taking a picture from what she was holding in her hand.

Marlo nodded and exited the warehouse.
I quickly used the window to get out of there.

I glanced around to make sure I wasn't being followed.
After that I made sure to see if Marlo was out there.

She glanced around and headed inside the restaurant.

I quickly followed her inside making sure I wasn't noticed.

She sat on a table in a corner.
Right then I bumped into a waitress.

"Watch where you're going!" the waitress snapped, "Ugh these rich people are so entitled."

I got up.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you.... ma'am."
Then I helped her to stand up.

The waitress was a young familiar girl, her brown long hair was pulled in a ponytail, and was wearing a pair of glasses.

Before I could remember if I knew her, she grabbed my hand and ran to the bathroom.
Then she glanced around before removing her glasses.

"Hey Barbie. It's been a while," she said while smirking.

My eyes were widened in shock.

"Patricia?! W-what are you doing here?!" I asked.

A/N: My fav kitty is here!!!

Barbie: The mystery of Alliance Where stories live. Discover now