The start of a new adventure

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Barbie (Malibu's) POV

It was the last day of the summer program at the Handler’s Performing Arts program.  Me and Brooklyn were thrilled to have passed our performance course with flying colors.

Racing back to our dorm room after the dean bid her farewell announcements. We excitedly started to pack for our trip home.

“I can’t be believe we did it, Malibu.” Brooklyn let out a heartfelt giggle. “This is truly a summer I’ll never forget. And it’s all thanks to you.”

I chuckled.
"I can say the same thing to you. This summer was amazing. And I wish we could spend more time with each other."

“Oh yeah!” Brooklyn beamed at me as a thought popped in her head.

I looked at her curiously wanting to know what she was thinking of.

“I’ve been meaning to ask. My parents said we were going to our favorite vacation spot in North Carolina. They suggested I bring you along. You can also bring your family and friends if you want.”

I chuckled.
"That would be amazing, Brooklyn!" I exclaimed, "Thanks!"

“Okay, cool!”

Brooklyn finished with her packing and was already pushing her luggage out the door.

“We leave in two days. Our reservation is about three weeks long so make sure to pack everything you’ll need.”

Her phone beeped. “Oh that must be my mom, I think she’s already downstairs.” Brooklyn hugged me one more time. “See you soon, Malibu. I gotta bounce, now. I’ll say goodbye to Emmy and Rafa on my way out. Bye!”

"Bye. See you in two days!" I beamed.

Once Brooklyn left I sighed as I grabbed my phone and called my dad.

"Hey friend invited us for a vacation. Just wanted to know if we can go there," I said as I grabbed my luggage and left the room.

“Sounds like fun, honey,” his voice on the other line answered. “Wait, let me ask your mom.”

After a quick exchange from their side he came back. “She says it’s okay and we’d all love to go.”

"Okay. I'll be home soon and we can start planning and packing for the trip," I said.

After I hung up I sighed...The trip back home was going to be pretty long...and then after, we had to get down on packing.

Wait! I had to call others about this!
I dialed Ken's phone number as I got into the taxi.

"Hey, Barbie! What's up?!" Ken asked as soon as he picked up the phone.

"Pretty good. Ken, I was meaning to ask....Brooklyn invited us to a vacation. I was wondering if you could tag along?" I said.

"Whoa! A vacation? Where?!" Ken asked amused.

"To North Carolina!" I replied.

"I heard that place is awesome! When should we be there?!" he asked.

I chuckled in response. "In two days."

"Well...I am most definitely looking forward to it," he replied.

"We're here," said the taxi driver.
I looked up to see that we were at the airport.

"Alright. Talk to you later, Ken. I gotta go," I said. Then I hung up the phone and got off the car.

Then I took out my luggage and went in.

Nobody's POV

The room was stuffy and humid. Dark even, except for the lone ceiling lamp lighting up the middle space in the room.

A square table, a radio, and a chair were the only furniture standing. The rest were still the boxes scattered across the floor of the tiny apartment complex. It was all he could afford ever since being terminated from his job at high-end agency he used to work for.

Not that he wanted to go back. He was lucky already that he made parole during his last trial, sentenced only with a restraining order that he wasn’t allowed to set foot again in the Californian district.

The radio sprung to life as he changed the channel.

“This was a spectacular performance by two young singers Barbie Roberts from Malibu and Barbie Roberts from Brooklyn!”

His ears perked up at the name, his expression turning sour as it reminds him of the reason why he was in this mess in the first place.

He gritted his teeth in anger as he slammed his fist to the table.

"Barbie Roberts! I'm going to make sure that you'd regret ever messing with me!!"

A/N: What?! You know how I love to leave the chapters on cliffhangers! That's nothing new 🤭🤭

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