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Barbie's POV

"Sure," I replied.
Then Ken and I headed outside to somewhere more private to talk.

"So is everything alright, Ken?" I asked trying to pretend that right now I wasn't in a nerve-wracking situation

"That's the question I need to ask you. Barbie....you seem stressed. Please talk to me. You know you can count on me," he said.

I looked down.
I tried to blink away the tears.

"I'm f-fine-," but before I could finish I broke down sobbing.
Ken wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm scared....W-what if I fail everyone?" I whispered.
"You're not on your own, Barbara. You have us. We got your back. I got your back. We'll get through this...together," Ken eased me with his gentle tone.

"Ken....promise me one thing," I said.
"Anything for you," he whispered back.

"Please promise that you wouldn't get yourself involved in this mission. Promise me you'll stay back. And you'll stay safe," I pleaded.

"Barbie....no! I can't let you face...whoever the hell these people are...all on your own!"

"Ken please!" I said, "I can't let you get hurt!"

Ken sighed in defeat. "Alright. I promise!"
I pulled him in a hug....feeling relived.

Time Skip
Two hours later

As agreed, I went in solo.

Renee and Teresa dropped me off at the docks where she used of the agency’s speedboats for transport. Ms. Z stayed at headquarters, monitoring everything.

The journey to the enemy base took about 30 minutes. It was already late in the afternoon and a thick fog has set in amidst the sea, concealing the tiny island cave up ahead.

I took a deep breath.
Here goes nothing! Get it together, Barbie!

I anchored her boat neat the rocky shores and continued on foot. I had already worn the  spy lenses in her eyes and was carefully looking at everything so that Ms. Z and everyone else back in HQ could get a clear view of the area.

The good thing was that if anything went wrong Aunt Z would know and send some help in.

"Well, well, well... Look who it is."
The voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
I turned around to see Marlo.
I scowled at her.

"Where are they?" I asked, "Where are my family and friends?"

She chuckled. "Now now.....first give me the money."

I shook my head. "I'm done playing this silly game....first you need to hold your side of bargain....cause quiet frankly, I don't trust you."

She growled. "Fine."

I followed Marlo.

But then suddenly she stopped.

"Where are we?" I demanded.

Instead of answering she smirked.
"Get her," she hissed. And right then I found myself surrounded by some henchmen.

"Curse it! This was a trap," I muttered.
Two men lunged at me trying to catch me.

I quickly dodged.
I managed to fight them off the best I could.
The first man threw a punch at me I caught as I judo flipped him and threw him over the other henchmen.

Marlo growled angrily as she lunged at me.

She threw a punch which I caught it with one hand threw her on the ground.
She got up trying to attack me again.
I swiped her legs.

She struggled to grab her gun. But I stepped my foot on her wrist causing her to help in pain.

I aimed my gun at her.

"You are armed! This wasn't the deal!" she exclaimed.
"The deal was to come here alone...it wasn't to step into a trap," I sneered

"Now let's get down on the real issue here. I'm going to ask again. Next time, I won't be really nice. What did you do to my family and friends? And what are you planning to do with the nuclear weapons?"

Marlo chuckled. "I wish I could answer that. But I can't."

I scowled as I clutched my gun. "Why not?"

"Two reasons....first, I don't know that. And secondly, my boss is aiming his gun right at you," she replied.

I laughed finding what she said really hard to believe.
"Really? Nice story. Too bad I don't believe a word you say."

"Are you saying I'm lying?" Marlo mocked.

"I mean it's not like you're truthing either," I mocked back.

But right then I felt a gun being held to my back.

"That is smart, Agent Roberts. But too bad she wasn't really lying about this."

I gasped.... recognizing the voice too well.

What. The hell?!!?

A/N: Oh boy! Barbie's in trouble~

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