Vacation time!

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A couple of days later. At the Sanderling Resort…

“Here we are!” Brooklyn opened her arms to gesture at the main lobby. The walls were painted white while the floors were solid wood, and a crystal chandelier illuminated the whole room, giving it a homey yet fancy vibe at the same time.

“All our rooms should be ready now. You just need to sign in the log book and get your keys.” She winks, then goes to the reception to get her key card. “I’ll let you guys settle in and let’s meet back here in an hour so I can give you a tour of the property some more.”

She and her parents made their way up but Brooklyn made a last second holler at them. “Oh yeah, better wear your swimsuits because we’re gonna hit the beach soon!!!”

Stacie bounced on her feet excitedly as she watched the ocean view from the window. “Check out those waves. I’m so stocked for this vacay and this time I have no injuries so I’m fully ready for all extreme water sports!”
They  headed to check in.

"Oooh free WiFi!" Skipper exclaimed causing me to chuckle.

"This would be a purrfect time for you and your boyfriend to spend time together," Renee joked as she gestured towards Ken causing Barbie to blush.

"Renee! Ken and I are just f-friends," Barbie replied.

"Yeah right! And we believe that," Nikki snickered.

Chelsea tugged at her older sister’s arm. “Come on, Barbie. Let’s go to our rooms and unpack. I wanna go swimming already.”

“Yeah, me too!” Stacie agreed with her.

Renee and Teresa went to the receptionist and got their keys. “Hey, Ma’am? What are our rooms like?”

“There are 2 king size beds per suite, and there are 3 rooms ready,” the woman behind the counter said, kindly. “A maximum of two adults can sleep on each of them. There’s also a living room, a kitchen, and fridge stocked with treats waiting for you in your rooms. Any additional beds will cost extra.”

“So how do we pick who’s gonna be roommates?” asked Daisy.

After they got their keys we decided to head to our rooms.

"B-Barbie....I was wondering," Ken trailed off.

"Yes?" Barbie said.

"Can we hang out and check out the city?" he asked, "You know after swimming."

Barbie chuckled. "Sure!"

“Alright!” Daisy jiggled the keys in her hand. “Teresa, Renee, Nikki, and I will take one room.”

“Barbie… you, Ken, and your sisters take the room next to ours.”

“And we’ll take the last room,” Margaret says as she takes her key. “Chelsea can come with us. So Skipper and Stacie can bunk together.”

Teresa looks over to Ken. “Hmm so that leaves you and Barbie.”

Both teenager turn beet-red at the implication. They distanced themeselves from each other, feeling shy all of a sudden. “Y-you know what… I can just sleep on the couch. I saw the brochure it looks big enough to sleep on.” He blushed, but laughs it off nervously.

"N-no need! I can sleep on the couch y-you can have the bed," Barbie stammered nervously.

“What no. I’m the guy. I should take it.”

They went back and forth on that for a while. And after some time, Skipper got annoyed.

“Oh come on!” She groaned angrily. “Just share the damn bed you fools!”

Their friends laughed at the outburst.

“Yeah, I think you should just share it,” Nikki said. “If you are so adamant that you two are just friends then there shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

Renee and Teresa nodded in agreement, but there were faint teasing smiles and plastered on their faces.

Stacie bounded for the elevator. “Okay, let’s go people. Times a-wasting.”

Barbie's POV

Seriously?! I never felt so embarrassed before!!

I gulped as my face went red.
"S-sorry about that," I said to Ken, "Let's just get changed and meet up with others."

“Right,” he says.

After we got settled and put on our swim clothes. We headed for the lobby where Brooklyn was already waiting for them.

“Took you guys long enough.” She said as we arrived. “Well come on then. The beach is waiting for us.”

After giving them a quick look around the hotel’s facilities, Brooklyn lead them outside where white sand, gentle breezes, and crystalline blue waters met our eyes.

Renee inhaled the fresh air. “Wow, this place is really beautiful.”

“I know!” Teresa agreed beside her, as she laid down a beach blanket. “I can’t wait to work on my tan.”

Daisy rolled her eyes. “You’re already tanned, Teresa. Leave the tanning to rest of us.”

Brooklyn chuckled. “I’m glad you like it, fellas. Feel free to do whatever you want.”

“Don’t mind if I do.” Stacie held her surfboard over her head. “Skipper! Ken! Race you to that big wave!”

She bolted and they followed after her.

I glanced at Ken and Skipper and we rushed towards the sea after Stacie.

But I had a strange feeling someone was watching us...


A lady sitting on one of the lounge chairs at the porch side eyed the children intently through her dark sunglasses. Her hugely brimmed sun hat covering her easily recognizable red hair.

She gave a subtle tap on the device in her ear. “I have eyes on the children.”

“Can you hear them?” a voice from the other line said.

“Yes. The hearing aid works perfectly.”

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for being late.

But wow! Barbie seems to now know that something's fishy.
Can she figure it out before it's too late?

Barbie: The mystery of Alliance Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon