Double trouble

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Working as a janitor was not what she wanted to do. But she was stuck with it anyways.

Work was simply torture for her....she got paid too little and got belittled at work all the time.

She once had a research facility and was about to be FREAKING rich.....and now she was stuck cleaning toilets in a company instead.

The worst part was that everyone in the office knew what happened over those gemstone dolphins and her failed attempt of smuggling them....which only gave her colleagues a reason to mock her for it.

It was around 8 p.m
It meant that her job for the day was done.

She sighed as she fixed her short red hair and walked out of her the bathroom she had to clean

As she was about to report to her boss that her duties were over she heard the sound of TV.

She came inside and her eyes were widened in shock as it landed on the was the two new soon to be Broadway stars.

"This was a spectacular performance by two young singers, Barbie Roberts from Malibu and Barbie Roberts from Brooklyn!" said the reporter.

She was lost in her tracks as her eyes landed on the blonde girl wearing a stunning pink dress alongside with a black haired girl with a dark skin tone.

All of the anger she was bottling  up for months reached the surface as she glared daggers at the display.


She turned around to see her boss.
"Are you done with your daily duties?" he asked.

"Yes, I am done....and I was about to go home," she stated.
"Where's my coffee?" her boss asked.

"I'm sorry....what?" she asked. She knew damn well that it wasn't her job to bring coffee to the was what his assistant did.

"Ugh! You're seriously good for nothing!" he yelled.
"I'm sorry, sir. I'll bring it for you now," Marlo said trying to avoid drama.

"No need! Cause you're fired! I'm tired of having you slacking off," his boss exclaimed.

Great! Now she was jobless.....again!

Time Skip
Seven hours later

Marlo grumpled as she collapsed on the coach in her small apartment.

She grabbed the bottle of the alcohol and started drinking.

Her phone suddenly pinged. Marlo looked over and saw an unknown number has sent her a voice message.

“Heard you’re not a big fan of a girl names Barbie Roberts. If you’re interested in getting revenge, meet me at this address.”

That was all the message said, but it was good enough for her. She downs a swig of alcohol and grabs her coat of the rack.

At ???

“It’s done,” his associate informs. “They should  be coming here soon.”

“Excellent,” the big boss leans back against his seat. Feeling proud to have done so much in such a short amount of time. Having connections that still had faith in home came in handy in just the right time.

He was able to transform his apartment into a rather comfortable office. Granted it was still smaller than he wanted, but atleast it was cleaner now. And he was able to accomplish that thanks to his two young associates.

He turns over to his investigation board on the wall. If there was one pattern he could see on Barbie Roberts, is that she, her sisters, and her friends are always burying their noses in other people’s business. No wonder a lot of them hated her. But that’s a good thing for him because now it’s possible to assemble a team working towards a common goal.

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