~ 63 - Realization ~

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At 9 PM

Everyone stood outside Arnav's ward.......

Khushi was pacing too and tro across the corridor as the doctors didn't yet allowed her to meet Arnav........

She looked at everyone who were very tensed for Arnav........

The Doctor came out and she ran towards him..........

Khushi : Can I meet him now doctor.........

Doctor : Yeah you can .........

He said and moved away from the door and she ran inside..........

Anjali opened her eyes slowly and looked at around the unfamilier surroundings.........

She sat on the bed with a jerk........

" Carefull "

She heard his voice and looked at the door...........

Ishaan who went out to talk with the doctor came back and saw her like this...........

Anjali : Why I am here Ishaan..........

She asked standing from the bed and was going to remove the drip from her hand.........but he held her hand and stopped her.........

Ishaan : We will go back once this is finished...........

He said pointing at glucose bottle attatched to the drip..........

His voice wasn't soft either........

Anjali : Why I am here.........

She asked composing herself..........

Ishaan : We are going to become parents..........

He spoke and she looked at him wide eyes..........

He nodded and she smiled widely, her happiness has no bounds...........but her smiled vanished seeing his serious expressions.........

Anjali : Aren't you happy........

She asked chocking...........

Ishaan looked at her .........

Ishaan : Ofcouse I am not...........who will want their kids mother to be a murderer...........

He spoke blankly.............She shaked her head crying.........

Ishaan : Don't cry .........You should be glad that Arnav is now fine but the next 24 hours are critical for him.........I swear Anjali he something happens to him na than I will even forget that once I loved you.........

He said without any emotions and she stumbled back in shock and held the bed for support.........

Ishaan : This time you have crossed your all limits Anjali.........You were going to destroy your brother's happiness and see just because of you Arnav is suffering.........

She looked at him as he said that...........

Ishaan : Anyways lie down back and let the drip complete..........I don't want that my child should also suffer because of you..........

He said and made her lie down properly and went out of the room..........she cried there alone...........He looked at her from the glass window on the door............

Ishaan : I am sorry Anjali..........I know my words have hurt you but you have realise what you did is not just a mistake but a crime.............

He whispered and sat on the chair outside the room wiping his tears...........

Aap Hamari Jaan Ban Gaye (Arshi ff )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt