The Days of Silence {Chapter 20}

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I woke up in the infirmary. The light streaming in through the windows was light pink so I guessed that it was evening time.

At the end of my bed was Jade. She was staring off into space but as I moved she turned to me.

"Ooh yay, you're awake!" She said, reaching to hug me.

"Probably best not to hug her right now," Lee Fletcher said as he walked into the room.

Lee has short blond hair and blue eyes. He is a pretty good archer as well as a healer, one of the few children of Apollo to get both gifts.

Jade stopped mid-hug and sat back up. She made a slight pout face but Lee just shook his head with a smile.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"Oh, only two days," Lee answered.

"Oh, that long?"

"Yeah," he answered.

I tried to sit up but I put too much weight on my right shoulder and fell backwards. Then Clarisse walked in.

Her eyes widened as she saw me and a small smile crept onto her face. She opened her mouth to speak but then seemed to realise that Lee and Jade were also there. She changed her smile to a scowl and rolled her eyes.

"Oh, hi," She said, as she looked back and forth between Lee and Jade.

"Hi," I replied, as I sat up again, this time putting pressure on my left arm.

"Don't put any pressure on your arm, okay?" Lee said as he stood up.

"Okay," I nodded.

"Will!" he called.

Will ran into the room from a side room, a big grin on his face.

Will has shaggy blond hair and blue eyes. He was only nine but an amazing healer although Gracie and Lee mostly made him run errands or just give ambrosia and nectar.

"Can you bring this to Gracie?" Lee asked Will, handing him a clipboard. "Ask her if Silena can leave."

"Okay," Will said, grabbing the clipboard and going back into the other room.

A few minutes later, Will came out of the room, no longer holding the clipboard. "You are free to go," he said, doing two thumbs up.

"Great, thanks guys," I said.

They left the room and I looked back at Clarisse and Jade.

Clarisse continued her harsh stare toward Jade but Jade, being the stubborn little girl she was, didn't move an inch.

I got up off the bed and walked out of the room, Clarisse and Jade following behind me. As we left the Big House, I saw Gemma walking and looking around. She saw us and then walked over to us.

"Jade!" Gemma said excitedly. "Come with me. I have something to show you."

Jade looked at me for permission and I nodded.

"Also, I'm glad you're good, Silena. Clarisse was worrying about you. A. Lot," Gemma added.

Clarisse glared at Gemma and Gemma just smirked and dragged Jade away.

"You did?" I asked Clarisse. I was surprised that she was worried.

"Luke is going down," Clarisse ignored my question.

"What? Why?" I asked in shock.

"I told you that if he hurt you, I would run him through with my spear and burn him alive. So that's what I'm gonna do."

Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief - Silena Beauregard's POV -Where stories live. Discover now