New Update: Just a Lovely Water Park {Chapter 18}

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When I got back to my siblings, they crowded around me.

    "You like Luke! Are you guys a thing? Don't forget to break his heart!" They said over each other.

"Guys, no. I don't like Luke. He just had something that the counsellors needed to know."

    "And that is why he grabbed your hand and pulled you away to tell you," Drew said sarcastically. "Okay, just making sure that was what happened."

    "It was for counsellors only. He didn't want my gossiping siblings to hear. And plus, you're just jealous," I said, rolling my eyes at her. 

    Drew stamped her foot and walked away. The others started to give me some breathing room as they followed Drew's example. I didn't really want to make Drew upset but honestly she was asking for it. And Drew is probably on my list of people that get on my nerves alongside Mr.D.

    "I'll be back later," I said to my siblings later that night.

    "Where are you going? Gonna go see Luke again?" Amara asked me.

    "Actually, yes, I am. I need to ask him a question about what he told me earlier."

    "Uh huh," Amara said, a look of disbelief on her face.

    "Go ahead and start getting ready for bed, please. I'll be back later."

    I walked out and across the courtyard to the Hermes cabin. But instead of going to the front door, I went to the back entrance that Luke had shown me. I pushed the brick and then turned the handle. I entered the room hoping that Luke was in there but in case someone else was, I tried to be super quiet.

    I opened the door of the wardrobe quietly and opened the trap door. Then I slowly climbed down. I looked around and didn't see anything in the living room. Although, I saw the door of one of the rooms was closed. I slowly opened the door and when I opened the door, I saw the Knight boys and Luke pointing their weapons at me. I quickly raised my hands in surrender and quietly started to turn around but as I stepped, Luke sighed in relief and lowered his weapon. The Knights looked at Luke questionly once they saw me and Luke signalled to put their weapons away.

    "It's all right," Luke told the boys.

    "How did she get in here?" Pierre asked Luke quietly.

    "You'd be surprised how smart she is for a daughter of Aphrodite," Luke answered. "She followed me one day."

    "Why did you follow him?" Eugene asked me.

    "I, uh, had noticed how he often went to the back of his cabin instead of the front and wondered why."

    "So you've been watching him?" Pierre asked.

    "Not really. I just notice things a lot," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

    "So it has nothing to do with how much you guys have been talking?" Eugene questioned.

    "No," I said shortly.

    "Come over here, Silena," Luke told me.

    "You're going to show her?" Eugene asked.

    "Well, she is here now so might as well show her. Anyway it's not exactly a secret."

    "What is it?" I asked.

    "An update on the questers." Eugene answered. "C'mon, Pierre. We need to finish."

    I looked at Luke questionly and he waved me over to the computer they were at. Eugene logged back into the computer and began typing away at the computer. He seemed to be hacking into something.

    "Ares gave them a side quest to retrieve his shield. But we heard that it's a trap. And whatever is about to happen will be streamed on Hephaestus TV." Luke informed me.

    "I hope whatever it is isn't too bad," I said.

    "Are you kidding?" Pierre asked. "It will probably be hilarious!"

    I didn't think anything about our friends and a trap was going to be hilarious but I didn't say anything. It is pointless to argue with eight year olds.

    Eugene leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms in satisfaction. Pierre looked over Eugene's shoulder at the computer. They high-fived then pressed a button. The screen changed to a TV program with Hephaestus explaining something.

He was a god who wasn't exactly ugly but definitely not handsome. When he was born, Hera threw him off Olympus because of his looks and getting thrown off didn't exactly help that. Hephaestus is the god of blacksmiths so he is often working in one of his many forges so he is pretty dirty and covered with soot and ash. Ever seen a volcano erupt? It was most likely caused from one of Hephaestus's forges. So yeah, Hephaestus is not one of the handsomer gods.

    "Next, you will see an interesting trap I designed," Hephaestus said. "It should be entertaining for all of ya. In three, two, one!"

    The screen split in half with Hephaestus on one side and a lot of water spraying at the camera on the other. Hephaestus had a look of shock on his face.

    There was a whirlpool with a boat spinning around in it. In that boat were two people. And the two people were Annabeth and Percy.

    I could see Hephaestus talking but all I could hear was the sound of the water and the screams of Percy and Annabeth. They were going very fast and turning corners and going over short drops. Then there was no more tunnel. They were out in the open but they were still going as fast as before if not faster.

    It seemed that if the ride was actually working, they would have gone through the Gates of Love and into a calm pool, but since the waterpark was abandoned, the Gates of Love were chained up. Beside the gates were two other boats, one mostly under the water and one wrecked.

    I saw Percy and Annabeth talking back and forth. Percy strapped what looked like Ares's shield to his arm and they both unbuckled their seatbelts. They kept talking to each other, then suddenly they jumped. They achieved maximum airlift but it seemed to be too much. They vaulted over the gate as their boat joined the pile of boats.

    Percy and Annabeth were heading toward the concrete as Grover flew in and caught them while using the flying shoes Luke had given Percy. Grover couldn't hold the weight of Percy and Annabeth so they went plummeting to the ground.

    They were mostly uninjured and Percy and Annabeth walked over to Grover and thanked him for saving them. The water in Thrill Ride of Love was calming down.

    "Show's over!" Percy yelled towards the camera. "Thank you! Good night!"

    Hephaestus looked at the camera, his face still in shock, and said, "Stay tuned, Olympus. More comin' soon."

    The screen changed to Apollo doing some advertisement with his lyre and Eugene shut it off.

    The twins looked at each other and bursted out laughing, but Luke was frowning.

"I don't get what is so funny," I said.

"Well they were on the Thrill Ride of LOVE together!" Pierre said. "How is that not funny, Ms. Daughter of Aphrodite?"

"Don't you ship them?" Eugene asked.

"I don't know," I answered. I hadn't really been around them enough to see their chemistry yet.

Luke was still standing there, frowning, so I pulled him aside. "What's wrong?"

"Grover is wearing those shoes. That could ruin everything."

"It could ruin everything? How?"

"Go to your cabin. I need to think." He pushed me to the ladder and I climbed up and walked back to my cabin.

    I got back to my cabin and layed down on my bed, ignoring the stares of my sisters.


**author's note**

the enemy always seems to be one step ahead.. anyways, how's the book so far?

- Gem

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