Monsters In My Head {Chapter 11}

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The next morning, I woke up my cabinmates and got dressed. I told my cabin to line up while I checked to make sure they had cleaned up well. Seeing that everything was tidied up, I walked to the front of the line and motioned for them to follow me. We walked towards the dining pavilion but when I passed Hestia, something happened.

    I saw a woman, Middle Eastern from what I could tell, taking her headdress off. I heard hissing sounds nearby. I saw statues. Life sized statues. Many of their faces were twisted with fear. I saw Annabeth, Grover, and Percy sitting on a bench. Annabeth called out, "Look away from her!" and put her invisibility cap on. Percy and Grover were pushed off the bench, listening to Annabeth and not looking up. Annabeth's voice echoed in my head.

I no longer saw the campers but a monster. The woman was no longer a Middle Eastern woman. She had turned into a monster. Specifically, the monster Medusa. And then the vision disappeared.

I stumbled. I looked over at Hestia but she ignored me.

"Are you okay?" Jade asked me.

"Yeah," I replied in a daze.

"You don't really look like you are."

"I'm fine," I assured her. "Let's keep going."

The vision bothered me. Medusa is not a good monster to run into. And I didn't get to see if they killed her or not. What if they got turned into stone? Was Luke behind this too? I had to ask him soon. Thankfully, the Aphrodite cabin and the Hermes cabin had archery together. I don't think either cabin is very good with a bow but that's what training is for, right?

    Later, at archery, Chiron told us to grab our bows and line up. I lined up next to Luke, hoping to talk to him. Of course, since I'm so bad at archery, I would have to focus harder.

"Campers, follow my motions. When I say release, you will let loose your arrows and, hopefully, hit the target. We don't want any accidents this time, now, do we?" Chiron asked.

We all shook our heads.

"Okay then. Follow me." He picked up his bow and got into the shooting stance. We followed. I pulled the string back. It is really hard to shoot the arrow since you have to pull very hard to get the arrow very far.

"You got this," I heard Luke say. I looked over to him and he smiled. That made me more confident and Chiron announced to release the bowstring. I shut my eyes and let go of the bowstring. My eyes were still closed but Luke told me to open my eyes. I slowly opened them and looked towards the target. I stood shocked as I looked and saw that I actually hit the target. I was nowhere near the centre but at least I hit the outer rim.

I couldn't believe that I had actually hit it. It was the first time I had ever gotten anywhere near it. I looked over at Luke and he was smiling also. Ugh! Why didn't I get to know him sooner? Maybe I would have been good at all of these things if I had actually talked to him earlier on.

Then my mind wandered back to my vision this morning. I had to remember to ask him right after class.

We did a couple more rounds of shooting, each time I got closer to the centre.

"That will be all for today," Chiron announced, signalling for us to put down our bows.

I saw Luke gathering up his siblings as I was gathering up mine. I had to catch him before he walked off.

"Cabin ten," I began. "Right now is free time. Spend it wisely." Of course, I knew they wouldn't listen to me. They would just go and gossip or look at magazines. But I said it anyway.

Then I turned to Luke. "Luke! Can I speak to you for a moment?"

"Okay, sure." He spoke to his cabin for a moment and then walked towards me.

"Is it about, you know...?" He asked.

"Yeah, it is."

"Then we don't need to be right here. Let's go somewhere else," he said, pulling me with him.

We went into the woods and sat down at a spot where we couldn't see the camp anymore.

"So," Luke began. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Medusa," I replied.

Shock spread across Luke's face. "What do you mean?"

I hesitated. "I saw Percy, Annabeth, and Grover fighting Medusa. I thought you would know something about it."

"She wasn't supposed to meet them until much later. What did you see?"

I told him what I saw. As I spoke, his face looked more and more troubled.

"They don't need to die yet. She-"

"What do you mean 'yet'?" I interrupted. "Why do they need to die?"

"Don't you want the better world? They may not have to die, but it may lead to that. Demigods don't live long anyways," he retorted.

"But Luke-" I tried to say.

"Silena, you joined this and you're doing the right thing. You can't trouble yourself with details like this. Everything will work out for the better."

"Okay," I said. I trusted him. I mean, he has lived longer than me so he is wiser, right? Besides, he seemed to know what he was talking about. And he was handsome but that's beside the point. He also was nice to me. A lot of people see Aphrodite children as people who can only be trusted to gossip and not care about anyone. But Luke was different. He saw past the general face of my siblings and I and saw who I really am. It's nice.

"I'll find out if they were turned to stone or not and tell you, okay?" Luke said, breaking my thoughts.

"Okay," I said, getting up.

He grabbed my wrist. "Remember to be careful about this bracelet," he said, letting go of my wrist.

I nodded, pulling the ribbon back over the charm and turned to walk away.

"Wait," I said, looking back towards Luke. "There was one more thing I wanted to ask you."

"What was it?"

"Last night, when I was looking at the newspaper I realised that I didn't even know where the trio was going. Do you know?"

"They were going to Los Angeles to meet Hades."

"Why Hades?" I asked, thinking about the furies.

"Chiron said that the Lord of the Dead was the most likely to want to start a war on Olympus so he must have the bolt," he answered.

"You say that like it's incorrect," I said.

Luke stared off into space. "Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. Now is not the time to know," he said, standing up.

"Fine," I said, looking into his eyes. I looked away quickly, not wanting to get lost in their dreaminess.

"Well, we better get to lunch," I said, hearing the conch horn blow.

"Yeah, we probably should," he replied. I turned and started walking towards the dining pavilion. I assumed Luke was following me but I didn't look back.


**author's note**

hewwo! so im kinda curious. who's ur favorite god or goddess in the greek pantheon? and who's ur favorite among all of the other pantheons?

- Gem

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