The Making of a Better World {Chapter 2}

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Clarisse left to go make sure her cabin wasn't killing anyone but I stayed behind to practice some sword fighting. I'm really not that good with a sword. I usually use a dagger but I thought I should try to get better with one. You never know when you need to have a larger range weapon. I walked over to the dummy that Gemma had been fighting and picked up a sword. I was so focused on the dummy that I didn't notice Luke walk in.

"You're improving," he said with a smile.

"Oh, you really think so?" I said. I was positive I was blushing.

"Yeah, a bit more practice and you could beat me."

"Um, no. You are way too good. I couldn't beat you after a year of practice. Anyway, why are you here?" I rambled. I'd never really been alone with Luke before and I was hoping that he couldn't see how much I was blushing.

"Can't I come to train in the arena?" He asked.

"Oh, right. Of course." I stammered. Of course he was just coming to train. I just happened to be here.

"Actually, I've come to offer you something," he said as he slightly frowned but then went back to his charming smile.

"What is it?" I asked. When a boy wants to give something to a girl you can be sure that he likes her. As a daughter of Aphrodite, I know all about love. However, I wasn't sure if that was the case here. He didn't have the face full of love that a boy in love would usually have.

"I have a proposition for you," he said, interrupting my thoughts. "I have something for you that will change your life and the entire world." Okay, I'll admit. I was getting really curious now.

"What can be that important?" I asked.

"This," he said, pulling out a charm bracelet. It was silver and it had some charm on it. But what was it?

"It's beautiful," I said. "But what is the charm on the bottom?"

"See for yourself," he replied, handing the bracelet to me. As I examined it, I noticed something odd about it.

"But isn't it a scythe? Like the one Kronos used. The one the gods used to kill him."

"Yes, it is," he confirmed with his same smile.

"How could this change the world?"

"Kronos is rising, Silena. He is recruiting an army. He will destroy the gods and see them fallen from Olympus. He will bring back the titans and show how he is better than the gods. If you help, the world will be much better for you." I couldn't believe my ears. How could he think that Kronos will destroy the gods? The gods destroyed Kronos! That's why he is at the bottom of Tartarus...

"Wait. But isn't he in Tartarus? In millions of pieces? How could he possibly rise?"

"By followers," Luke answered. "The more people, monsters, gods even that support his cause, the more power he will have. We have a way to bring him back, but I want your help."

"Why would I help an evil titan? Kronos was nothing but evil when he was ruling." I shook my head. I was so confused.

"Tell me, when have the gods done something for you? Does Aphrodite ever do anything for you? Has she cared about you at all since you were born? Have you even seen her except for field trips to Olympus? Did she talk to you then? Really, Silena. The gods don't care about us at all. Our parents don't want us until they need us. Silena, think about the other demigods too. The unclaimed ones. They want attention, but their parents don't even seem to know them. By doing this, we help them too. The children of the minor gods. They don't even have their own cabin. With your help, we can overthrow the gods and create a better world under Kronos's rule!"

I mean he had a point. When had my mother ever helped me during anything? Had she ever cared for me? Or did she just fall in love with my father because of his chocolate shop in the Village?

"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"I knew you'd come around. You are a sensible girl, after all. All I need you to do is spy," he replied.

"Spy? On who?"

"Camp," he answered.

"Camp?! But these are my friends! Wait, what would the spying do?"

"It would provide a way for Kronos's army to know what was happening so that they can't prevent us from succeeding." Honestly he had an answer for everything.

"I don't know, Luke. How could I just betray my friends, my teacher, and everyone else?"

"Trust me, Silena. It's all for a better world. Fewer people will get hurt if you help. People would be grateful you did anyways. Think of everyone you would help. Besides, we'd be able to spend more time together," he replied, smiling at me. The thought of spending time with him gave me butterflies in my stomach.

"I want to believe it but.... It's hard. How can I go against everything I have been taught by Chiron?"

"Chiron teaches you to fight for a better world, right?"

"Well, yeah."

"That is exactly what we are doing! We are making a way to create a new age. Destroy the West. Bring back the titans' rule. I can see it. You know inside your heart that it's true."

I thought for a minute. "But what does the bracelet do?"

"The bracelet is like a video camera and a microphone. Wherever you are, I can see what's going on. The bracelet does most of the spying. You just have to keep wearing it. But don't let anyone see it. They could realise what it means just like you did," he warned.

"Ummm... You can see everything I do?"

He turned red. "No. Well, yes. But no. I won't be watching all the time. The bracelet signals me if something important is happening. I won't invade your privacy."

"Oh okay. Then... I'll... do it," I replied.

"Yes!" He hugged me and for a split-second I was in Elysium, the place where the best souls in the Underworld go. But then he pulled away.

"Sorry," he said, blushing.

"No, it's fine." I was certain I was blushing bright red. "Hey, I was just wondering, is this why you have been so different since your quest?"

He rose from the bench. "I am not discussing this right now. Maybe another time," he said in a very different tone from before. "Come to me anytime if you have questions or want to talk about this." And he walked out of the arena. I stared at him as he walked off. I glanced down at the bracelet in my hand and thought about how I would conceal it. It seemed small enough to hide under the strands of ribbon. I put on the bracelet and pulled my ribbon over it. "There. Perfect."

I wasn't sure about this spying but I got a cool accessory and I would get to spend more time with Luke. And who knows? Maybe he's right. Maybe it is time for Kronos to rise. Aphrodite never has helped me. She didn't help me get to camp. I had to witness and be attacked by tons of monsters before I knew I was a demigod. I thought I was going mad, seeing all of those mythological creatures. Imagine the demigods that weren't found or informed they were demigods. The constant fighting and the thought of having hallucinations would be unbearable. If Luke could really bring Kronos back, who's to say that he won't be better than the gods? I don't think he could really be worse. Luke's right. The time for a new age is here. And I am going to help him achieve it.


**author's note**

hi again! so i kinda didn't tell jade i would put author's notes on the bottom of the chapter but lol who cares (she might...). anyways, is it getting a little interesting?

- Gem

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