The Transfiguration of Grace {Chapter 4}

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I was standing at the top of Half-Blood Hill. Thalia's tree wasn't there. For a moment I was confused why it was gone but then I realised. I knew what would happen....

It was night and there were swarms of monsters following four people; two girls, one boy, and one satyr. Immediately I knew who they were: Thalia Grace, Luke Castellan, Annabeth Chase, and Grover Underwood. They were running as tons of monsters chased them. There were cyclops, furies, and more. I doubted they would be able to hold off the monsters much longer. Luckily they were near the borders where the monsters couldn't get to them.

"Go!" Thalia called to her friends. "I'll hold them!"

"No!" young Annabeth screamed.

"You'll be killed!" Luke yelled.

"No, you have to get inside the borders! I have to protect you! I'll hold them off," Grover called out but he had a quiver in his voice. He tried to hide it but he was absolutely terrified. Grover tried to push Thalia towards the barrier but she stood her ground.

"They are here for me. Get the others inside and then come get me," She yelled as she slashed at a hellhound. Her blade hit it and it turned into dust. A fury (Alecto if I am not wrong) dove towards Annabeth. She raised her dagger but Luke tackled her out of the way.

"Grover! Get them inside! Now!" Thalia screamed.

"Okay, okay!" Grover pulled Luke and Annabeth towards the border despite their protests. "I'll go back for her!" He never had the chance.

As they got inside the border, they called out for Thalia to come inside quickly. She slashed at a cyclops, missed, and sprinted to the border. The cyclops caught her and even though she kicked and thrashed, his grip held strong.

"Thalia!" Luke and Annabeth screamed. Grover was trying hard to hold them back.

I watched as the cyclops threw Thalia to the ground and called for the rest of the monsters to retreat. They knew they couldn't get Annabeth and Luke while they were inside the borders. Besides they were here to destroy Thalia because Zeus broke his promise. They were sent by Hades to take revenge on Zeus.

They all ran over to Thalia's lifeless body. She crashed too hard to have survived. Annabeth buried her face in Luke's arms as she started crying. Luke kept whispering, "No, no, no..." Grover sat stunned. He had failed to deliver a powerful demigod to camp. He knew the Council of Cloven Elders would punish him. And he lost a close friend.

"Annabeth," Luke whispered as Thalia's body began to change. Annabeth looked up as Thalia transformed into a New York Square size pine tree at the top of Half-Blood Hill, right beside where I was standing. Of course, I wasn't actually there. Just my presence, not my body. They stared at the tree and probably would have stayed there if Grover hadn't encouraged them to get to the Big House.

"Guys," Grover began. "We need to get to the Big House. We can't do anything for her." I could tell it pained him to say that, despite the way he said it. Annabeth and Luke rose but Annabeth started crying again so Luke carried her. Luke being fourteen and Annabeth being seven, it wasn't too hard. Still, Luke walked as though he was carrying the weight of the sky and I guess in a way he was. His companion that he had travelled so far with just died, and he couldn't save her. 


**author's note**

heya! who thought silena had cool dreams? i wish i had dreams. fun fact, i have aphantasia, which is the inability to imagine or dream, and i hate it. i thought everyone else's dreams were just like trains of thought, but nevermind. anyways, i wanna know if any of the readers have aphantasia. if u do, tell me in the comments!

- Gem

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