Capture the Flag {Chapter 7}

Start from the beginning

Jade nodded and I looked back at Percy in time to see him sidestep one of Clarisse's brothers. Still, the Ares campers were smart. They surrounded him. Clarisse jabbed her spear at Percy but he was able to deflect it with his shield. It hit the water.

"Jade, step back!" I whispered urgently. We hopped out of the water as the electrical currents swept through. I looked back at the battle and noticed that Percy looked weaker. I guess the shield didn't deflect the spear completely. A different Ares boy hit Percy in the chest with the butt of his sword and Percy fell down into the dirt. The Ares kids were laughing like crazy.

    "Give him a haircut," Clarisse ordered. "Grab his hair."

    Percy got to his feet and raised his sword but Clarisse knocked it aside with her spear making sparks fly. The way Percy held his weapon made it seem like his arms went numb, which makes sense because of Clarisse's spear.

    "Oh, wow. I'm scared of this guy," Clarisse mocked. "Really scared."

    "The flag is that way," Percy said in a slightly high pitched voice.

    "Yeah," said Gemma. "But see, we don't care about the flag. We care about a guy who made our cabin look stupid."

    "You do that without my help," Percy said. There were definitely smarter things he could have said besides that.

    Clarisse and the other sister that was with her lunged at Percy. He backed towards the creek, trying to raise his shield, but Clarisse struck him in the ribs. If he hadn't been wearing a breastplate... let's just be glad he was. Her brother slashed his sword across Percy's arm, making a pretty large sized cut.

    "No maiming," Percy said weakly.

    "Oops, guess I lost my dessert privileges." The guy responded. He pushed Percy into the creek and his cabin mates all laughed. Clarisse and her siblings came towards Percy but he stood up. Wow I thought. This guy is very persistent. Looking at Jade, she seemed as enthralled in the battle as I was.

    Percy swung his sword, hitting the boy with the flat of his sword, knocking his helmet off. The Ares kid fell into the water. The other sister and brother charged towards Percy. Clarisse's sister was slammed in the face with Percy's shield and her brother's plume was shaved off. Gemma didn't seem to want to attack so Clarisse kept coming, her spear shooting sparks of electricity. As she jabbed her spear, Percy caught the shaft between his sword and shield, and snapped it. Oh no I thought. Clarisse is not going to like that.

    "Ah! You idiot!" She screamed. "You corpse-breath worm!" Percy hit her with the butt of his sword and sent her sprawling backwards out of the creek.

    Suddenly I heard yelling. Jade perked up too. Luke raced across the boundary with our team's flag lifted up. Some Hermes and Apollo guys were covering him and fighting off the Hephaestus guys. Ares's kids got up and Clarisse murmured a curse. She was still dazed from fighting Percy.

    "A trick!" she yelled. "It was a trick!"

    They tried to go after Luke but it was too late. Luke crossed and the blue team cheered so loudly my head hurt. The Ares banner shimmered and turned to silver. The boar and spear were replaced with a caduceus, the symbol of cabin eleven, Hermes. The blue team ran to lift Luke onto their shoulders and I walked forward towards Clarisse and Percy. Chiron trotted over from the woods, blowing the conch horn. The game was officially over and the Athena team won.

    "Not bad, hero," I heard Annabeth say. I didn't see her so I figured she must be using her invisibility cap. "Where the heck did you learn to fight like that?" she asked Percy. The air shimmered and she appeared holding her Yankees cap of invisibility. I stepped a bit farther away so I wasn't looking like I was eavesdropping. Eavesdropping is not right, I know. But I am listening to Luke, right? He told me to spy on camp and I feel like Percy is going to be a big part of camp.

Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief - Silena Beauregard's POV -Where stories live. Discover now