A Fight that Created Suspicion {Chapter 6}

Start from the beginning

"We'll pulverise you," Clarisse responded. She looked at Percy. "Who's this little runt?"

"Percy Jackson, meet Clarisse, daughter of Ares," Annabeth introduced.

"Like the war god?" Percy asked.

"You got a problem with that?" Clarisse sneered.

"No," he responded. "It explains the bad smell."

"We got an initiation ceremony for newbies, Prissy," Clarisse growled. Uh oh, I thought.

"Percy," he corrected.

"Whatever. Come on, I'll show you."

"Clarisse-" Annabeth tried to speak.

"Stay out of it, wise girl." Percy handed his minotaur horn to Annabeth and Clarisse grabbed him by the neck and dragged him to the girls bathroom. Her sisters followed.

"Clarisse!" I called out. I knew she did this to all the new campers but still. She ignored me and brought him inside the restroom. She was going to put his head in the toilet. I went to the door but stood back a little since these toilets weren't exactly the cleanest. I only ever use the toilets in our cabin. Anyway, I watched as Clarisse pushed him towards the toilets.

"Like he's 'Big Three' material," Clarisse laughed. It wasn't her nice laugh like when she is with me. It was her bully laugh. "Yeah, right. Minotaur probably fell over laughing, he was so stupid looking." Her siblings laughed. Annabeth stood with her hands over her eyes.

Clarisse walked deeper into the stall, which probably meant she was getting very close to putting his head in the toilet. But then something happened. The pipes started rumbling and then I saw water shoot out of the stall and onto Clarisse, throwing her backwards. She was pushed into a shower stall and Gemma, with the rest of her siblings, walked over to her. Then, the other six toilets exploded, hitting the other Ares girls. Then the showers acted up. With all the water against them, the girls spun towards the door, the water flowing out. I stepped to the side, not wanting to get wet. Annabeth was completely soaked and the bathroom was flooded. Suddenly, the water shut off. Percy came out of the stall, completely dry.

"How did you..." Annabeth asked him.

"I don't know."

They started walking towards the door and I stepped back even farther so that they didn't see me watching. I mean, I kinda had been unintentionally spying on them and I didn't want to get on Percy's bad side. Still, the water had me thinking. Big Three.... Water... It can't be...

The Ares girls were muddy and lying on the ground. Other campers had come to see what happened. Most of them were just staring in surprise. No one beats Clarisse.

"You're dead, new boy. You are totally dead." Clarisse said with complete hatred.

"You want to gargle with toilet water again, Clarisse? Shut your mouth," Percy said with a smile. I know that Clarisse is basically my best friend, but I couldn't help but giggle at his comment. Clarisse started to rise towards Percy but Gemma jumped to hold her back and the other girls followed. They dragged her to her cabin and the other campers cleared out of her way.

Annabeth was still staring at Percy as though she was analysing him.

"What? What are you thinking?" He demanded.

"I'm thinking that I want you on my team for capture the flag."

Annabeth kept giving Percy more of a tour and then they ended up at the canoeing lake. I stayed far away so as not to be seen so I only heard snippets of what they said. Annabeth was still trying to explain to Percy that he is a demigod and he still wasn't taking it too well.

I heard Percy ask, "So I'm stuck here.... For the rest of my life?"

Annabeth replied, "It depends. Some campers only stay during the summer. If you're a child of Aphrodite or Demeter, you're probably not a real powerful force." She said more but I wasn't listening. What she said about children of Aphrodite is mostly true but it still is offensive. Anyway I was getting tired of spying on them so I started walking back to my next activity. I attended my next activities and headed towards the cabins to get ready for dinner. I looked towards the horizon as the sun started to sink down for night. When I got to the courtyard, I saw Hestia watching me again. Honestly, it's kinda creepy. A goddess who looks only nine years old, just staring at you from inside a fire. I wondered why she kept watching me so I walked over to her.

"Hello, Hestia," I said, giving a slight bow.

"Good afternoon, Silena." she replied. "What brings you to my hearth?"

"Well, I just kinda noticed that you keep watching me. May I ask why?"

"I know more about you than you think," she said with a sad smile.

"Oh. So you know?" I asked. It was supposed to be a secret. But I guess her being a goddess lets her know more.

"Yes, I know. But I won't interfere. You have a path and this is part of your path. Whether it leads to life or death, you must follow it."

"What do you mean?" I asked. She was speaking in riddles. "Is doing this going to lead to death?"

"I cannot say more," she replied.

"But-" I tried to say as the horn blew, signalling dinner.

"Go on, Silena," she said.

I walked off to my cabin, not wanting to upset the goddess. I opened the door and told my cabin to line up. Outside the other cabins were doing the same. Everyone started walking to the dining pavilion. We sat down and Chiron raised his glass, "To the gods!" Everyone raised their glasses, "To the gods!" My siblings all filled their glasses and then we got up to go to the fire. I scraped part of my meat into the fire and said, "Aphrodite." After everyone had finished their offerings and then their meals, Chiron stomped his hoof in order to get our attention.

Mr D stood up and sighed. "Yes, I suppose I'd better say hello to all you brats. Well, hello. Our activities director, Chiron, says the next capture the flag is Friday. Cabin five presently holds the laurels." The Ares table cheered.

"Personally," Mr. D continued, "I couldn't care less, but congratulations. Also, I should tell you that we have a new camper today. Peter Johnson." Chiron whispered something to him.

"Er, Percy Jackson," Mr. D corrected himself. "That's right. Hurrah, and all that. Now run along to your silly campfire. Go on."

We walked to the ampitheatre, sang some songs, and then headed off to the cabins. 


**author's note**

halo! yes, i turned indonesian for this author note opening (i actually am indonesian). anyways, my oc identity is currently kinda hating peter johnson rn.. ehem.. sorry i meant percy jackson... lol anyways, how r u today?

- Gem

Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief - Silena Beauregard's POV -Where stories live. Discover now