Book 1: Water | 33 | Allies? I

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Art Drawn By Me! You'll be meeting them briefly in this chapter!

Sorry this chapter took so long! I ended up getting a bit busy with other things and didn't have enough time to properly work on it. The chapters have been planned out, though! Up to chapter 37, which could easily become "up to chapter 40" due to how much content this particular arc is going to have.

Again, sorry for the wait. On to the story!

Ayaan was deathly quiet as he stalked the soldiers patrolling the area. Due to their lax outlook on the area, their guard wasn't up at all. Who would face them here, in this poor mining village that had lost its will? No one. Or... so they thought.

Obviously, they didn't know that an 'Ayaan' existed.

Following them for hours, he was able to discern the times they slept, what intervals they patroled, and he could roughly guess who called the shots in this particular area. It was simple for Ayaan to map out their routes, how many there were, their strength, and all of the places they occupied in the town. He was meticulous, it wasn't until the moon began to rise that he concluded his scouting mission.

He saw that tax collector while he was scouting. He filed all of the info he gathered on him into the back of his mind. His position was high enough to be respected, but low enough he wasn't the one giving orders. There were barracks that the fire nation called home here; they were loosely protected due to the lack of danger in the area.

The only advantages they had on the people here were that; One, they had at least the basic training in self-defense, and; Two, they were all firebenders. The dangerous glint in Ayaan's eyes grew with every hour that passed.

If every town in the area was like this, driving them out would not be as difficult as he thought it'd be. But, the problem of manpower still stood. The fire nation had been smart to separate the strong earthbenders from their families. Even if they were not as strong as they may have been when they first invaded the area, their strength was still more than who was left after everyone was taken.

Mothers, children, and the elderly. They were farmers, shopkeepers, and miners. None were fighters or had any training in that area. They were too scared of the firenation to truly pick up their arms and fight as they had in the beginning. Years of being suppressed weren't something that could be remedied easily.

But since when has Ayaan cared if something wasn't easy? Never. With that thought, he stealthily made his way back to Hala's home.

In the distance, not too far from where he'd been watching, a cloaked figure makes his presence known. They watched as Ayaan left with a sort of admiration in their heterochromatic eyes. "A blessed one..." They whispered as if they could not believe what they saw. Green and brown orbs stayed on his figure as it disappeared, and within a blink, the cloaked figure wasn't there anymore.

He needed to report when he found.

When he reappeared again, popping out of the ground he'd tunneled through like a mole, he removed his cloak, revealing the child beneath it. Ashy gray hair and a large scar went across his face. His skin was chocolate brown, something that wasn't seen often around these parts.

That, and the fact that he was an earthbender, a very, very skilled one.

In the alley where he'd appeared, another was waiting for him.

This person wore a fire nation uniform, discarding his helmet upon the boy's arrival. He looked at it in disgust before turning to the young child.

He was a strawberry-blond-haired youth, his pale skin was adorned with many scars. His eyes were a saturated brown, almost red in pigment. He wasn't very tall, but he was taller than the child.

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