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Answering possible q's

Why did u post so much today?
Its the drafts I've written. I finished all of those just the other day. I decided to post it all.

When did u start?
I started writing about 2018 and posted a book about Harry Potter. It was also an x reader like his one. Reached alot of reads but got hate too, so that's why I deleted it.

Why and When did u start writing?
At 3rd grade I was admired for writing horror stories. I do not remember what I wrote at that age, but I do know its about creepy pasta.

I found myself writing more and more from the reactions I've got. Some were surprised, happy, eager and e visibly enjoyed what I wrote. Thats what kept me going.

Why are you ending it?
It's a long journey. 2018-2022. Honestly I thought I would write forever. Just happily writing chapters and chapters. It's no longer a loss of passion or interest. Many stress and problems had came up and I no longer find writing a comfort hobby.

Even though what I desire is other people's enjoyment on my writings. It's upsetting for me to say I have to end it all.

Will u come back?
There is a possibility I will come back. Maybe even a new identity.

But for now.

Will u still be active here?
Replying, reading your comments/messages, or even ghost reading. I do not know, possibly yes but no promises.

Face reveal?
Unfortunately. I will discontinue that idea. For personal reasons, the word trauma is self explanatory.

What abt pending requests?
I'm very sorry. I no longer can write what you requested. I'm so sorry. I've tried to write, but I only find myself starting at my screen not knowing what to write.

What are u gonna do after Quitting?
I'm at that point where even I don't know.

Public Apology

Its very impolite and disappointing for me to leave after promising to post so much work. And I'm sorry. Author is just very tired and can't function the way she wishes to.

I've broken several promises more than a million times, and I do deeply apologise. Words can't express how much I feel guilty. But all I ask for is peace and happiness. Please, even if I'm no longer active or something, keep the positivity up in my books. Refrain from bashful commends, negativity or even threats towards my readers, towards each other and me.

I'm sorry to those who labeled me as their fave author, their comfort author, their virtual mother haha. I'm sorry to leave

I'm very sorry to ask this but please. If you wanna curse at me, threaten me, please just don't. I've already dealt with enough trolls guys, a rest is all I ask for

Special thanks to everyone.

I know everything looks very dramatic. But it's very hard to leave as well:) wattpad had been my one of my comfort places despite the critics and trolls.

Babye guys!! I love you

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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