♡Tendo Satori♡

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[Name] means you can input any names in! I didn't wanna put a name just incase one of you had the same one! :D


How you been? Did you eat yet? Yes? That's great! No? Let's get into appetite! How you feeling right now? I hope you feel great!!

I'm also going to try and write in a gender neutral way for those who use they/them pronouns!!

please don't be mean to each other, this book is made for absolute entertainment and not for fighting!! ILYSM!

"so Y/n-San, what's your plan for this weekend? My family and I are gonna go to the beach this Saturday. wanna come with? I'm sure mom would love to have you in our trip." [Name] smiled with elegance as their eyes shined hope and visible persuasion, they really wanted you to come with — your one of the most amazing friend they ever had, and enjoying a break with you would be a dream for them.

though despite the stupendous offer, you simply smiled in shame and guilt - [Name]'s glistening eyes shattered in dismay. their lips curving into a frown after noticing your silent reply, you were kind of interested on the clement destination, but you realistically had other arrangements for you to enjoy yourself. "aww! what gives?" they pouted, shaking your figure quite violently.

"I'll spend the weekend with Tendo, [Name]. I'm sorry I can't come with," you smiled sheepishly, blushing just by the mention of the middle blocker's name. Your friend consciously pulling back from your body as they give you a questioning look, "Tendo..as in Tendo Satori?" they asked in complete confusion, their tone screaming out incertitude as one of their eyebrow raised, their steps slowing down - waiting for your answer.

You chuckled and nodded as an evident agreement towards their statement, purely gushing at your own lover even though Tendo wasn't personally present at that moment. [Name] giving you an expression of concern, but decided to stay reticent, making a choice of telling you their thoughts in a right timing. shaking their head with a heavy sigh as they fixed their posture in walking, straightening their back as they placed their hands behind their head.

"when are you gonna meet him again??"

"tomorrow by the train station! I'm going to Miyagi after all." your friend scrunched their nose.

"you're really gonna go from here to Miyagi..for that guy?" you simply squealed in happiness, excitement talong over your pure emotions as [Name] wanted to interrupt your passionate imaginations, but they knew it would crush both you and your whole being. just a bit more until they get their confidence to finally blurt out what they've been meaning to tell you, it just didn't feel quite right to suddenly tell you, but they knew they eventually have to.

"i'm gonna go home now, talk to you later?" your friend just smiled in agreement, waving their hand in the air as they bid you a farewell, watching you run with a massive grin on your face before you fully got out of sight.


"where are you gonna spend the weekend, Ushigushi lemon wushi?" Tendo sang and blurted out random nicknames for their ace, swinging an arm around Ushijima's shoulder as he giggled afterwards realising his own words. Semi glancing in disgust:

"lemon wushi? cringe."

"you know what else is cringe?"


"Shirabu's uneven haircut"

"bitch the fu-" Goshiki spits out his water, laughing as he unconsciously falls down towards the ground — tears forming in his eyes as Reon covers his mouth to turn around and chuckle, Semi simply stood there to deadpan, judging the redhead's hair silently with his eyes. "as if yours doesn't look like a dollar tree mountain.."

the ace stared, unimpressed by the joke and laughter but he did feel happy inside to know his teammates were giving each other ecstacy, he may not show emotion much, but he did love seeing the volleyball team he truly was passionate about having fun and being comfortable with each other. "im not quite sure. but I am hoping to practice my serves this weekend. i might need a blocker if you're free tomorrow, Satori." Ushijima replied with Tendo's pending question with no hesitation, making straight eye contact with his best companion.

"im always fre—" Tendo stopped his own words, as if his mind completely changed decisions, suddenly shaking his head in disagreement, "actually, I'm busy tomorrow..?" he seemed to question his own reply, he didn't have plans for tomorrow but his gut was telling him otherwise. Ushijima nodded, understanding.  "I see,"

"..uhm..since when did I have plans for tomorrow again?" the redhead asked himself in utter confusion, last time he remembered, all he planned to do was spend time with his dorm mate after all. Even he didn't understand his own thoughts.

"and since when did I wanna visit the train station?"

you were excited as a child going out for the candy store, it was early in the morning. More specifically, 5am in the broad daylights as the sun was still at it's early peek, despite having such a short amount of sleep last night due to your hyperactive glee, you still felt somewhat energetic — it was just a few minutes before the train stops at your destination, god you were delighted to see Tendo.

whilst him on the other hand, kept his hands inside his the pockets of his pants, kicking rocks on his way towards the train station, he was so confused, his head hung down load with his usual lazy small grin, his eyes kept its gaze towards the ground, watching each of his own step — he still felt a bit cold, shivering as he sighed heavily, pausing in his tracks as he was only a few walks away from the train station.

he was beyond confused why his own figure brought him there, but nonetheless he followed his own thoughts, yawning before continuing his journey.

The train was coming to a stop, just like how the middle blocker was nearly at the station, you were beyond ecstatic whilst the male was just following his own trance.

As the train stopped, so did Tendo. He watched as the long vehicle stopped in its tracks as people got out and in, he didn't know what to do there.

You got out, hoping to find the person you longed for so long, glancing and staring at anyone you ever laid eyes on, but you never found who you wanted to find.

As an announcement was made through the speakers, the train suddenly moved and continued another journey, leaving you standing on the side, confused and curious.

Tendo on the other hand just lazily stared at the train as it left, sighing as he moved his head a bit towards the side, feeling got liquid drop on his cheeks as he curiously wiped it away. "how strange, I feel like something was supposed to be here." he shivered at his own thoughts, turning on his heel as he walked away. Leaving.

"meh. maybe just me."


Y/n..i didn't wanna tell you this, but please take therapy already. This is real life. Tendo isn't real,

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