♡Sugawara Koshi♡

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I just feel so comfortable with all of you very much! Like what I like to say, it's a safe place here : )

Thank you so much for all of you who gave me hope and happiness in my darkest times. Words can't express how grateful I am to have all of you. We maybe strangers to each other but all of you are apart of my heart, I love you all so so so so so so much that I can't even express it in just typing. But I love you all, I am so thankful, very thankful and I will forever will be. I love you all so much.  And I wish for your happiness, I love you so much.

Nonetheless, enough drama...




The first thing that came into your mind was a clear state of stress. Your alarm clock had unknowingly gone off with you noticing, awakening your nearly passed out figure. It wasn't easy for you to fall asleep in the midst dark glacial nights with your insomnia, resulting to you in having a quite harsh difficulty of falling asleep. Your eyelids were starting to get heavier each second passed and the yelling from your clamourous neighbours just precipitated your inner agony and vexation. Exhaustion was already enough for you to carry as a burden, other negative emotions wasn't quite healthy for your current well-being.

As an added cherry bonus on the cupcake of your piled unfinished and uncompleted homework right on top of your littered wooden desk, disheveled uniform that was evident unironed by yours truly. It was your exams today, and you didn't get to study even half of your notes - which you never in write due to who knows the reason why. You just felt out of your own world, feeling as if the life you were living in wasn't even made for you to live in. Your perspective just sees everything you've done and doing incorrect, resulting to you in innumerable miscalculations in everyday decisions and choices.

The only thing that's been keeping you in your rather exultant and flamboyant state was your chaotic yet somehow sugared love partner - Sugawara Koshi. Despite the fact he was rather more frenzied than others view him as, he was more than enough for you, he kept you going in despaired circumstances countless times, he gave you motivation to continue, he was your source of life, and you loved that about him.

But nonetheless, you could care less about cleaning your own bedroom at that moment. You just needed a way to survive your exam right then and now, you didn't have notes, you didn't have time to review from house responsibilities, and you were tired more than ever.

Deciding to plainly get up from your bed, first thing you decided to do was text your own boyfriend, your atmosphere was thick and heavy, demeanour showed every ounce of annoyance escaping you, you didn't have time to make conversations with anyone yet, and Sugawara wasn't an exception. You needed time, you didn't wanna blow a fuse on him or someone in accident;

my butterfly 🦋:
please don't talk to me in school
today. im just really stressed out, and I don't wanna go off on you by accident.

my hubby:
butterfly..alright ill give you time. mind telling me what's wrong..?

my butterfly 🦋:
im just stressed okay? I didn't have time to review for our exam, and fuck I don't know. I'm sorry gtg. Bye

He meekly left your message on seen, which made you panic and a hint of guilt mix up in your emotions. You didn't wanna seem harsh towards the gray hair colored male, that was clearly the last thing you would result in doing.

"I'm so fucked."

"Koshi, my parents are gonna - not only slap in the face for a shitty grade, but their gonna take away my electronics!"

"yes, love. I'm aware of that, but I have a got feeling your results are gonna be a-okay." he stated with his eyes closed, a bright and euphoric smile appearing widely on his lips as its side was tugged upwards, giving you a quick peck on the forehead as a soft pat landed on your head. "there there, when I say trust me, you just do. No questions asked, just do what I say." he paused to tilt his head lightly towards the side for assurance, "mkay?"

You felt speechless, he never once failed to give you genuine and sincere reassurance. All his words came form both his mind and heart, he was so inlove with you that he couldn't afford to give you even a single white lie. He just wanted to make you feel safe with his presence, that's how much passionate and honest he was with you.

Nodding with a soft chuckle, you reluctantly agreed before sweat appeared on your forehead, the rolled paper that held your grades in your hands was enough to set off a a quick panic attact from you. You didn't wanna roll it open and see your failure, but you were going to see it anyways so it shouldn't really matter.

Looking at Sugawara for moral support, he gave you a small nod and motioned for you to continue your unfinished actions. And so fort, you breathed in deeply before quickly rolling the paper open, your jaw dropping towards the ground in surprise along with your eyes going wide, freezing in spot as your lover laughed at your facial reaction, "well, butterfly?" he questioned softly.

"i..line of 9's and 8's..oh my god, Sugawara I'm so happy!" you hugged him tightly in excitement as he simply giggled along with you, hugging your anatomy back with a kiss on your cheek afterwards as a passionate bonus. "I told you, my love."

"Let's celebrate this with dinner! My treat!!!" you hurriedly ran away from him, jumping up and down in random moments which gained you several stares but you could care less, you were to euphoric right at that moment.

Sugawara chuckled, looking at his own grades which he didn't let you see. A few line of 7's was seen, which was supposed to be your grade.

Of course, he never told you that he switched his name with your name in the test paper. And basically vice versa. Making your test paper his, and his test paper yours. Same with the grades received.

"yeah I'm gonna keep quiet about that." he smiled to himself, he just wanted to make you happy after all.

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