Oikawa Tōru [Angst]

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Oikawa was the perfect suitor at first. He would always fulfill what he promised, gave what he could, and attempted his best to make you feel you were worth it. You had him begging for you to make your relationship official since middle school - and once you did at your 2nd year in high school, he was exploding with ecstasy as well as excitement.

You were happy, and so was he. But just like every other cliché occurances - nothing was permanent.

3rd year of high school came and Oikawa trapped himself in his own realm, he did stay loyal to you despite his numerous fan girls. But he would always choose volleyball than you, it was his passion and it will always remain as his top priority - his health wasn't even his main focus, it was his favoured sport. The defeat he and his team recieved from Shiratorizawa damaged his pride as a player, and that hit his pride and emotions.

He still did love you, but he no longer has a clue how to show it to you. He wasn't as clingy as before, he paid no mind to anyone, that includes you.

It took a lot of pleading and begging, but you managed to persuade him in agreeing to walk home with you again. It felt like ages ago the last time you and him walked together, he was always so caught up in his own world he nearly forgot about you. Harsh and disappointing, but you understood your brunette lover, even if it pained you.

"Hey, Oikawa."

"What?" he muttered underneath his breath, it was nearly night time. Yet he still persisted in training - he only agreed to walk and go home with you because he felt..irritated..

"i love you!" you smiled widely towards him, chuckling happily. You were clingy to him just like he used to be with you. He simply stared at you and gave you a small faint grin, "I love you too, Y/n-Chan." you blushed lightly, you truly loved this man, and he deserved the world.

Appreciating his delicate features, you then noticed the bruises he had in his arms as well as his hands, it was all bloody red and scraped. You knew it was because of volleyball, but it still looked painful. "Tōru, shouldn't you relax a bit?" he tensed up a bit, but calmed his shoulders down with his small confused smile. "I am relaxed, what do you mean?"

You huffed audibly, using your eyes as visual communication - him following your gaze before realizing you were talking about his cuts and bruises. He sighed heavily, he thought hiding his hands inside his pockets would get you to avert your attention somewhere else and not notice it, but boy was he incorrect with that thought process.

Plastering a rather unnocitable yet fake smile, he replied; "I shouldn't relax, Y/n-Chan. The last match we had with Karasuno was difficult, we nearly got defeated by that Tobio." you frowned in return, shaking your head in clear disagreement. "But Tōru, you're overworking yourself. You've been ignoring everyone else. Me and Iwaizumi have been patient with this persona of yours, but it's getting worse."

"You wouldn't know how hard work feels like, all you do is stick to me like glue." he irritatedly states, he didn't mean to say that. He was stressed and it made him more sensitive, but he knew what he said was wrong - yet decided to blind himself with anger much further.

"I could've been practicing right now. Working my butt off at the gym, but you decide to beg like a slave to me! Don't you know how embarrassing that was for me?! Infront of the team too, Y/n!!" he added on, unconsciously hurting you.

"Next time you act so desperate, it's over, Y/n-chan. Go home by yourself, you're old enough to use your legs, or do you need to beg for me to carry you?" he sarcastically ends his small rant with a click of a tounge, huffing and walking away with guilt and consciousness. It was so unlike him, but he let his pride decide. And he couldn't just apologise, there's no way his ego would let that happen.

You shivered as you watched his figure disappear into the night, leaving you alone in the dark with a single street light opened. It was dangerous for you to have no companion, but what choice did you have? Your partner abandoned you out of anger, you didn't have anyone else.

You sighed, deciding to dial Matsukawa - he was always taking late night walks with his best friend, Hanamaki. Surely both of them were nearby doing who knows what.

After a few rings, laughter was first to be heard from the other line, earning you a small smile. Their laugh was always contagious. "Hey L/n, what's up?"

"Can you guys come here? I'll send you my location, I feel unsafe."

"Yeah for sure, where'd Oikawa go? Wasn't he with you?" you slightly winced, a pang in your heart was felt as you sighed heavily, making up an excuse right in the spot. "Emergency happened in his family he had to leave early." you lied for the brunette's sake, you didn't wanna damage how Hanamaki and Matsukawa viewed him as a person. Despite his new ignorant personality.

"We're near don't worry. Just stay where you are, we comin," Matsukawa reassured you softly once he recieved your current location, Hanamaki humming in agreement but you could barely hear him, he wasn't the one near the speakers after all.

The male ended the call afterwards. You placed your back on the cold wall, sighing while looking up into the starry sky. It was a beautiful sight, sadly Oikawa wasn't here to see this breathtaking night with you.

"Hey, pretty lady!" you stared at the drunk man holding his alcohol bottle in his left hand, taking another drink while attempting to walk over to you. A bat in his right palm. You sweat dropped as he got closer, you then quickly walk away but he slightly sprinted and threw the bat over to your head, causing you to fall down.

You screamed, feeling dizzy from that impact. It was a metal bat, far more painful than a wooden one. You wanted to get up, but was far too dizzy to even move a finger, but you had to run away. You stood up, the man managing to grab your figure by the hair, pulling you down and smashing his bottle on you.

Oikawa sighed heavily, draping his blankets over himself. He had just finished crying over you, he didn't realise how much shit he said until he was home, he broke down and sobbed so loudly. He truly was guilty and felt quite bad.

That's when the Grand King decides to call you and formerly apologise, wanting to take you out on a nice date for the weekend. He wanted to give you the attention you lost, he finally saw his mistakes and admitted it was all his fault. He just now needed your forgiveness, he missed the old days after all, wanting to bring it back.

A few rings and still nothing, he grew anxious. By now, you should've been home.

His anxiety cooled after he saw your name pop up in his screen, calling him back. He smiled cheerfully, "Yayy!! My Y/n-Chan!" he excitedly answered the call with a euphoric tone, aw you missed him didn't you.

"Hi babyyyy!! I'm really sorry about earlier, how about i-"

"O-Oikawa, please come down to the nearest hospital. Y/n's dead." his world stopped, letting out a chuckle but Matsukawa knew it was a forced out. Unbelievable. Why would you die?! You were fine just 30 minutes ago!

"Ha-ha, very funny. Please give Y/n-Chan her phone, I'm not here to apologise to you, dummy." Oikawa rolled his eyes playfully, was this a prank? If it was, why did something feel so wrong?

Matsukawa sobbed from the other side, Hanamaki's cries were also audible. This made the setter stand up anxiously, his heart shattering to pieces. "Come on you dumb brunette! I'm not kidding with you, you low-life king! She's gone! She's dead! She was killed by this dru-"

"shut up shut up! You're not funny, and your pranks are as low as my respect for you right now!" Oikawa screamed in pain as he threw his phone over to the wall, he snapped, telling and throwing Everything. He never apologised yet, come on. You had to be alive, please. He was begging and begging and begging, he was so tired, he wanted you again.

"Y/nn..." his voice cracked. He chuckled in pain, sobbing tiredly.

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