Seven Days~ A.M.R

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        TW- eating disorder. dizziness.

The sun was shining as the birds were chirping. You were in the kitchen this early morning pulling back the curtains that hovered just above the dining table.

    You had planned on making breakfast since Ally had just gotten back from a business trip in the late hours of the night before. Today was a Saturday so you knew she'd wouldn't be busy which also meant the brunette would be sleeping in most of the morning giving you just enough time to start cooking.

    The patter of small footsteps echoed down the stairs making their way into the kitchen. "Is mom home yet?" A quiet voice whispered. You looked over your shoulder seeing blonde curls wrapped up in his blanket. "Well good morning to you to Ozzy." You walked over ruffling his hair before planting a light kiss on the top of his head.

Truth is, he'd been asking for a few days now. He never liked it when Ally left for her senator trips. It wasn't that he didn't like you in fact he loved you as much as Ally, but he preferred that both of you were present.

     "Did I wake you up?" You asked grabbing the pan from the cabinet setting it on the stove top. The boy shook his head still looking at you for an answer of his mother's whereabouts. "What?" You smiled playing dumb. "Well?" He asked once more. "Yes shes home, but don't go up there yet. let her sleep a little longer, she got home really late last night and you don't want her to be grump do you?" You walked over ticking the boy. He let out a laugh immediately covering his mouth trying to stay quiet.

  An hour had passed and Ozzy had been helping you with breakfast by making the pancake batter with the occasional need assistance even when he said he was fully capable of doing it himself. "You can flip them. I'll ruin it." He laughed after you helped him pour the liquid into the pan. "Well I'm not much better." You poked.

    Once they were ready to flip, you took the spatula turning the pancake over on its side only to completely fold it in half. You said as you both stared at the disastrous food. "I think your mom is better at this"  Ozzy looked up at you agreeing. "Try again?" He asked  "Oh my-give it here." A voice came from the doorway of the kitchen. You didn't know Ally had been watching this interaction nor did you know how long.

     "Mom!" Her son ran over wrapping himself around her holding on tight. Ally rubbed his back "hi sweetie." She kissed his forehead while running her hand through his curls. He let go and she walked behind you wrapping her arms around your waist laying a kiss down on your neck. "Good morning you." Ally rested her head on your neck. "Good morning." You turned around placing a kiss on her lips. "Yuck." Oz stood there with a disturbed look on his face. "Oh hush now." Ally tickled him.

     "Now, let's fix these." The brunette used her finger circling the mess on the stove. And of course when your wife flips them she likes to show off so she used the pan, tossing them into the air landing perfectly on the right side and not folded in half. You leaned down to whisper to Oz "I told you she was better."

     It was now mid day, and you were doing the dishes, rinsing them then placing them in the dishwasher. You bent down putting a plate on the bottom rack and a wave of dizziness washed over you. You had a headache to begin with so you didn't think much of it. You closed your eyes waiting for it to pass. It was now when Ally came in seeing you like this. "Y/N?" She put a hand on your back with her eye brows furrowed. You opened your eyes meeting hers. "Are you okay love?" Nodding your head. "Yeah, just a head rush." You smiled

                       No it wasn't...

    Ally had been on her trip for a week. Not as long as some, but more than either of you would have liked. In that course of seven days, you had quickly slipped back into your past eating habits. Forgetting to eat, or "not hungry". You were still stuck in this rut when you and Ally first got together so she knew and understood the signs of when you happen to be slipping back under.

    Ever since, Ally had helped you through it and made sure you ate whether that be at the end of the day when she asked, or periodically throughout. And if you said no she'd march both of you down to the kitchen to get something in your system. 2am or 2pm, she didn't care what time it was as long as you were okay that's all that's mattered to her.

    So when your beloved left for those days you forgot what it was like to take care of yourself in that way. Of course you ate, but it wasn't as much as you should have. And it was noticeable.

    When Ally got home last night she laid down wrapping her arms around you like usual. She felt them not as tight as before. She shrugged it off because she was tired and only wanted your company. Yet, this morning she noticed it again, how they didn't surround your stomach the same. She knew right then and there what had happened in those seven days.

     "How was it when I was gone?" She asked sitting on one of the chairs facing you as you continued the dishes. "As good as it can be without you." You turned giving her a grin. "Did you eat enough?" Ally sipped on her wine she had poured. You slowed your plate washing actions as she spoke. "Well I'm alive aren't I?" You though it was funny, she did not.

     "Y/N." Ally gave you a stern look that you felt burning into the back of your head "Look at me." You turned around slowly stalling this conversation. "Did you?" The woman stared straight into your soul. "Yeah. I mean, yeah of course I did. You know I do." It was clear as glass that you were lying, but she didn't let you win this. You bent over putting another dish into the washer getting dizzy once more.

    You leaned up against the counter trying to act like nothing was wrong but your body knew this feeling all to well and so did Ally. You started loosing your balance, but she had caught you before anything else could happen. "You don't have to lie, I'm right here." The woman had a grip on your arms bringing you to the chair next to her.

     "Did you eat lunch?" You shook your head. "Honey it's 7:30, you haven't ate since this morning?" Ally stood up rushing to the pantry taking out the bread making you a sandwich. "Ally I had dinner, you saw." Your wife stopped her motions, "baby, there wasn't anything on your plate. Come on." She spoke softly handing you the sandwich. She sat next to you as ate the late night snack. You finished half before resting your head in her chest as she rubbed your back.

    "I didn't want to bother you, you just got home and I know your tired-" Ally shushed you. "You can bother me any time. I love you, that is what I am here for and what I vowed to, do you hear me?" Her fingers combed through your hair. "I know, I'm sorry." Ally brought your face up to hers connecting her lips onto yours "You have nothing to be sorry for my dear." You nodded closing your eyes leaning your forehead onto Ally's,  "I love you too."

    And that's was how you two stayed for a while before Ally insisted that you two move to the bed where you went back to this gentle state after putting Oz to sleep. "It's gonna happen when you leave again. It always does." You said on the verge of tears. Ally tucked stray hairs behind your ear, " I don't have any more trips for a while so your stuck with me missy." She stuck her face in the crook of your neck holding you tighter smiling. "Good." You turned burying your head in her chest where you two soon fell asleep in each other's arms. You were positive there was no other feeling like this in the world and it was your favorite.


A/N- if you think I reread this, your funny :) sorry for any mistakes <3

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