Let Us Help ~M.R

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Requested- cissas-roses and misspaulson21 "Y/N is sick and Mildred takes care of them"

(Gwen too later on) :)

I thought if the reader just woke up sick, that would be too vanilla sooo... have fun.

TW- vomiting, shock therapy(??)                              

    You sat in the commons room couch, blankly staring out the window, yearning to be on the other side of the glass. You'd been admitted into Lucia State Hospital for two months and three days for being a lesbian. Counting the days the doctors caged you like an animal, helped keep your memory up. The immense amounts of therapies Nurse Buckets put you through (hydro and shock was seemingly her favorite.) left your head feeling blurry and your body numb.

    A soft hand on your knee and you shook the inner thoughts away. A tall red head, in her usual nurse attire slipped through your vision with a cup of water and your daily medication that even she herself was hesitant to give you. "Good morning Nuse Ratched." You spoke just above a whisper siding it with a weak grin.

    The woman sat down next to you on the sofa resting her hand on yours returning your facial gestures. Mildred looked down at the pills that lay rolling around in a small cup in her hands. She knew they only made you sicker. Caused you dizziness and nausea for the rest of the day.

    Yet, it wasn't the pills or the side effects that made her stall the duties of a nurse. It was seeing you hurt and in more pain that already was being inflicted onto you. Mildred Ratched, a woman who had a difficult time being sympathetic towards others, saw a little of herself in you, causing the ginger to have a special place in her for you and wanted nothing more then to truly help.

She set aside the medication allowing a slight grin to swallow up her lips. "Nurse Bucket said I need those." You pointed to the small cup. Mildred's hand put your arm back down "Nurse Bucket doesn't know anything. Just don't mention it. Alright?" Her palm made its way to your cheek making you flinch a little. You knew the woman would never hurt you, but it was instinct.

    A low cough disrupted your moment. "Miss Y/L/N." A familiar voice whistled through each ear. It wasnt kind, nor was it a calming voice. Mildred stood up from the in a swift motion just before Nurse Bucket allowed two other male nurses to take both of your arms in their grasp.

    "No please! Please!" You're screams echoed throughout the hallways as the men dragged you towards the therapy rooms. "Anyone else have a problem with me?" Nurse Bucket held out her arms in a shrugging motion. "I do." Mildred said in a growl that was meant to be unheard. "Of course you do Ratched."

    Their hands strapped your limbs to the table and placing a mouth guard to muffle your upcoming screams. Nurse Bucket walked in, almost prancing around you as if she enjoyed watching her patients in agony. One of the men placed the head piece surrounding your temple.  Your pleads were nothing more but a weak noise yet didnt go unheard by the familiar ginger on the other side of the door with watery eyes knowing there was absolutely nothing she could do to save you.

    Nurse Buckets assistants turned the dial to the prescribed wavelength. "No no, she's been here far too long. Crank it up." She demanded staring right into your eyes as you screamed tears. The woman was mercilessly.


    Your eyes began fluttering and your head was throbbing. A hand lay resting on top of yours. A woman sat on the edge of your bed examining your face closely. Your eyes could focus on anything around you and your brain wouldn't stay still. "Y/N?" The red head asked with a panic in her tone. "Y/N? hey, look at me." She cupped your cheeks. "Do you know where you are?" She asked still holding your head noticing that you felt extremely warm.

    Your eyes continued to flutter shut, but you managed a subtle nod to the nurses question. A feeling of nausea hit you, leaning over to the trash can next to the bed. Nurse Ratched held your hair while rubbing your back in circles which you found quite comforting. "It's alright, shh"  she wiped your mouth clean with a wash cloth laying you back down where you eventually fell asleep for the rest of the day.

    A soft tug in the middle of the night followed by your name awoken you. "Y/N, wake up."  A groan left your lips as you turned over on your side ignoring the voice. "Come on, get up."  She lifted your frame up from the bed helping you to your feet. You still felt weak.

     Mildred drapped her arm around you assisting your walk towards the door. "What are you doing?" You spoke quietly from just being awoken. "Shh, I need you to be quiet." Mildred brought her index finger to your lips before peeking her head into the corridors. She lead you to the back entrance of the hospital where she knew she'd get away with her plan.

    Her keys jingled in the lock, allowing the door to creak open. Pushing you through first, Mildred looked around for any witnesses before exiting. Taking you to her car, she seatbelted you in. The back of her hand grazed your cheek feeling your temperature. "You're still warm." A sad smile took her over. Your head lay still against the window of the car closing your eyes. "Its okay, go back to sleep. I'll wake you up when we get there."  You didnt care where this "there" was of how far it was. You trusted this woman and her morals. You knew she wouldn't hurt you.

    A second tug to your shoulder forced your eyes open. Mildred lifted you out of the car and into a warmly lit home. "Gwendolyn?" She yelled. A blonde woman appeared from the other room immediately helped with your limp frame. "Who is this?" The two women laid you down on their bed as Mildred took a wet cloth to your forehead, in attempt at cooling your fever. "Y/N, shes a patient."

    Gwen stopped in her tracks. "You took her from the hospital?!" The blonde yelled in a way that was mean or aggressive, but worried or confused. "She needs my help, the treatment is too much!" The nurse yelled back dabbing the cloth all over your face.

    A groan of discomfort left your lips. Mildred brought a trash can next to the bed side, knowing exactly what was going to happen. And of course she was right. Gwen came back into the room with a water bottle setting it on the table next to you. Mildred's thumb grazed your cheek, "Your safe now, it's okay go back to sleep."


    The sun shone through the sheer curtains allowing the morning's natural light to flood the room. The birds used to be your alarm clock before your hospital days, it was nice to hear them once again. Pulling back the blankets only to reveal you not in your hospital gown, but in what seemed to be one of the women's clothing.

    You peaked your head through the door way of the bedroom hoping to be met with familiar eyes. Stepping into what was clearly the kitchen the two women stand making breakfast together. Gwen's arms wrapped around Mildreds as they swayed to the music playing softly in the background.

    All this time, you wouldn't have expected Nurse Ratched to be with a woman. Maybe that's the reason she was never so cold with you, or why she seemed to genuinely care about you. You had been locked up in a hospital, while she lived how you wish you could. I guess it was a matter if you got caught or not.

     You stepped closer to the counter hitting a creaky floorboard catching the women's attention. "Good morning y/n." Mildred smiled warmly. "How are you feeling sweetie?" Gwen asked making her way over to you resting a hand on your shoulder. "Better, thank you."  Mildred pulled out a plate for you. "You should probably eat something, you got sick a lot more throughout the night." She said laying a pancake onto the dish.

    You didnt speak much and Mildred knew something else was wrong. "Y/N?" You raised up making eye contact with the other woman "Whats going on up there?" She brushed her fingers through your hair with her head tilted to the side ready to listen to whatever you had to confess. "Do I have to go back?" You looked down at the now empty plate scraping your fork back and forth in the left over syrup.

    The red-head shook her head with a smile swooped on her lips. "No, no you don't sweetheart. The pain is gone, the hard part is over." Your eyes were now glazed as Mildred wrapped her arms around you not wanting to let you go. "You can stay here with us, you don't have to worry." Gwen added.

"Let us help you." 


A/N-  idk if this is any good but, I'm back :)

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