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Requested~ Jessierose2407 "y/n has ADHD and gets distracted during a heist. x tammy"

I'm so sorry this took me so long to write, my apologies. I didnt want to rush and this was oddly difficult.


Tap, tap, tap.
The heel of your shoe bounced up and down on the floor. You'd been sitting in the same spot for at least an hour. Shifting in your chair every five minutes. Twirling one of many rings on your finger as you tried to focus on Debby and Lou's plan for the next heist. It wasn't easy for you, no doubt.

Too many things you could be doing, or one thing you'd want to say out of the blue, to the next. Your brain just couldn't keep still. A hand on your knee brought your focus back. Her dark brown eyes made contact with yours with a gentle smile painted across her face. You loved how Tammy cared about you no matter your diagnosis.

She knew of your ADHD. At night when you two would be in bed and everyone else was asleep and you couldn't, she'd let you draw on her hand or play with her hair until you got tired enough to doze off. The little things like that always helped. And when you chose not or forgot to take your medicine, she respected that. Tammy never pushed you to do something you weren't comfortable with.

"Did you get that honey?" The blonde pointed to the screen with a low whisper. You looked down at the ring you were fiddling with and shook your head. "No, not the last part." Tammy nodded her head knowing that she'd go over it with you tonight, in a manner that you'd understand and could prioritize better when it came to the actual heist itself.

Though you are human and nobody is perfect, it wasnt hard for you to get upset about something. Especially when you messed up something so little and simple. Anyone could have done it. But Tamny would never let you down yourself like that. Her soothing words and resurance could easily convince your brain that you are better then what you tell yourself.

On the flip side, Tammy liked how fixated you got on things. Or how your smile would stretch from cheek to cheek over even the slightest thing. There was never a dull moment around you considering there was quite literally always something on your mind. And she wouldn't change it for anything.

It was late. After midnight even. Tammy was helping you with a list for what you were in charge of in the heist and what you needed to do. Y/N?" Tammy laid her hand on top of yours in attempt at bringing you back to reality. "Sorry" you shook your head slightly as your focus came back from spacing out.

The blonde rubbed your shoulders as she could see you getting upset about not being able to give her your full attention. I mean she was just trying to help you with the plan that was just hours away.

Tammy went down the list one by one dragging her pen across the paper. Every so often she'd look back at you making sure you were following along. She knew that if you had a question, dumb or not, you'd hesitate to ask. "You got it?" Tammy smiled. You nodded your head taking the paper in your palms looking at it one more time.
-Next Day-

Tonight was the night of the heist and all plans were set. You walked down the stairs towards the kitchen as the smell of freshly made coffee filled the air. "Morning love" Tammy smiled handing you a cup. "Dont forget these." The blonde reached over grabbing your medicine. She was always good at reminding of the important things. "Thank you." The door bell rang, bringing everyone out of their morning trance. Tammy looked down at the watch on her wrist, opening the door.

She pulled out a rack of clothing from the porch that seemingly had just been delivered. Handed each of you, your outfit for tonight. The blonde had handed you a (preferred dress/suit). "You're gonna look great." She whispered in your ear planting a kiss, causing a small blush to appear on your cheeks.

Hours had went by, now standing in front of the stairs of the met-gala waiting for the others to arrive. "plan is a go." You heard Debbie speaking through your ear piece. Followed by each of the women walking down the steps as you watch in awe. Tammy's black dress fit her just right. Hugging her curves and complementing her body. She noticed how her beauty sent you into a daze so she gave a seductive grin.

"I told you, youd look great." The blonde grabbed your hips bringing you closer to her. You leaned in only to be stopped by her finger meeting your lips. "Later sweetheart." Tammy put her hand on your shoulder before a voice rang through "are you two done?" Both of you glanced around the room, seeing the rest of the group staring at you with their arms crossed and eye brows cocked. Tammy mouthed a 'sorry' immediately turning to you giggling.

It was well into the night. Everything was going according to plan. Your fears of your ADHD controlling you tonight were starting to disappear but it wasnt long until it all came back. The different flashes of every color in each suit and dress that appeared as each person walked past you had your full attention. You were so out of it, you didnt hear your name being called through the ear piece.

"Y/N." Nothing. You began flipping the ring on your finger, still watching the people pass by. "Y/N" a tap on your shoulder put your focus back in its place. "What?" You shook your head, now keeping your eyes on the woman in front of you. "Here, take this to Amita in the kitchen." Lou passed you parts of the diamond necklace. Pointing you the way and in a second, she was gone.

Kitchen, kitchen repeating those words in your head, keeping your focus on the one thing and not five others. In the process you had gotten turned around. Now you stand in a middle of a hall you swore you had just come from. "Amita, do you have it." The group started talking through the device. "No, y/n where are you?" Amita asked. You didnt know, every hallway looked symmetrical. The girls kept asking if you were okay, and hurry, but all you heard was youve done it again. You've failed them. You had let it get the best of you. The room felt as if it were spinning. You took out the ear piece with tears threatening to drop. You were lost again.

"Hey, hey shhh its alright." A familiar hand on your cheeks brought you out if your head. "Come here." Tammy's arms wrapped around you. She brought you to the bathroom and said she'd take the necklace to the Amita and she'd be right back. Of course you could count on her. She wouldn't dare lie or let you down. A knock on the bathroom door made presence. The tears returned as soon as your eyes met.

"Honey, what happened?" Tammy rubbed your back gently. You began explaining but your words slurred together. "Y/N, slow down and breathe okay?" You followed her breathing and began; "I messed up. It was so easy, anyone else would have done it right." Tammy closed her eyes for a moment. It wasnt difficult to make you upset especially if you felt as if you let everyone around you down. "No, no, no. Hey listen to me." She kept her soothing tone. "You didnt fail or let down anyone. I promise. Anyone could have just as easily got turned around."

She wiped the tears with the pad of her thumb. "I can do better I swear." Tammy's eyebrows furrowed. "You dont need to prove anything, I swear."
The blonde brought you into a hug. She was right. You didnt need to prove a thing to anyone. It's okay to mess up here and there. But not okay down yourself like that. "I love you through it all." She brushed the little hairs from your face, placing a kiss on your cheek.

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