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Requested- Jessierose2407 "y/n is Delia's daughter and y/n is sick."

    - your age in this is whatever you want to be.

    Y/N POV:
You woke up to the room spinning as chills shivered down your body and not being able to breathe well through your nose, yep you were in fact sick.  Bringing every blanket closer to your frame and still being cold wasn't a good sign and your mother wasn't going to brush it off as allergies when she came up to wake you in about an hour. You shut your eyes quickly drifting back to sleep.

       Cordelia's POV:
I woke up at about 7 am to make breakfast for the girls. When everyone came down to eat y/n wasn't there which is unusual since she always helps me in the kitchen. I went up to her room knocking on the door. Nothing. "Y/n... honey?" I whispered opening the door softly. I walked in seeing her cuddled up with every pillow and blanket surrounding her. Ever since y/n was little she would do this when she wasn't feeling well, so I let her sleep in.

    Y/N POV:
Waking up for the second time this morning you felt a wave of nausea come over you. Rushing to the bathroom you heard sudden footsteps come in and hold your hair back. "It's alright, I'm here." It was your mom. "How did you kno-"y/n I'm the supreme and your mother, I know when something is up." She rubbed you back. When the sick feeling went away she left you to get dressed.

Putting on a sweatshirt and sweatpants you dragged your feet down the stairs skipping the last step before you could fall completely Delia caught you. "Oh god. y/n are you alright?" You pressed into her side wrapping your arms around her closing your eyes as you were half asleep. "Sweetheart you're shaking." Your mother said. "I'm fine, really." Delia pulled you out in front of her pressing her hand on your forehead checking for a fever before kissing it lightly. "Why don't you go back to your room cause we both know you aren't feeling well." You nodded your head before starting back up to your room- "what about breakfa-" y/n go, I'll bring you anything you need. I'll get breakfast then we can watch a movie in my bed if you want." Cordelia suggested.

   You went up the rest of the way up going back to your room. It wasn't long before your mother knocked with a tray of food in her hands. She walked over to your bed setting it down on your lap. "So tell me doc... what's wrong with me?" You asked coughing dramatically. "Well Miss Goode it seems to me that you have a rare case of the stomach bug. Dring this tea and it will all go away." Delia handed a mug of hot tea. "Did you do something to it?" Cordelia placed some strands of hair behind your ear. "What do you mean love?" Delia smirked "ya know... bibbidi- bobbidi- boo. Some sparkle if you will." You laughed. "Yeah if I was your fairy godmother. No little one I did not. We don't know what/if you have powers so I don't want to hurt you."

After breakfast you both went into Cordelia's room to watch (instert favorite movie). She made sure you were warm enough so she wrapped you up in a pile of blankets along with herself. Half way through the movie you fell asleep. Your snoring brought Delias attention to you. She shut off the TV and lights, climbing back into bed she tangled her arms back around you. "Night dear." She whispered kissing the top of your head before falling asleep herself.

    You woke up from your nap to being alone in your mothers bed. You must have slept all day, looking at the clock it was almost 5. Crawling off the mattress you smelled food assuming Delia was making dinner you started to the kitchen. "There she is." Cordelia glanced from the pan on the stovetop to you. "Mor- no wait afternoon mom." You giggled with a congested sound in your voice. "Jesus y/n you sound worse. Delia walked over to you putting her palm to your forehead once again. She didn't say anything but you knew the fever went away. "The rest of the girls left, they asked if you wanted to come with them, but you were still asleep so." Cordelia trailed off. "I did however make a cake if you still have an appetite left. And maybe if we don't fall asleep this time we can binge watch (instert favorite series.) She smiled softly at you "sounds great. Thanks." You hugged her side as she wrapped an arm around you. "You're welcome sweetheart."

And that's exactly what you did. After the two of you ate dinner you went to the library cuddled watching (favorite series) with the lights off and the fireplace burning away. You fell asleep on the library couch cuddled up into your mom.
"I hope you feel better tomorrow love."

Sarah Paulson One Shots Where stories live. Discover now