Baby Its Cold Outside~ C.G

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~Note: I keep forgetting how late in December it actually is- so here is my Holiday contribution.


    You light another candle. Many scents of warm vanilla. Sprinkles of peppermint here and there. You set the candle down on the center of the dining table as Christmas music starts to play.

    You feel her touch on your hips, soon to wrap around your waist, snaking fully around to rest on your stomach. You lean back into the woman's warmth. You close your eyes breathing in her scent. She smells like home.

    Cordelia sways her hips back and forth, spinning you around allowing your body's to be only centimeters apart. The blonde pulls out a small leaf placing it above the small space between the two of you. Mistletoe.

     "You don't need mistletoe to ask." You whisper. Placing your arms around Cordelia's neck, you closed the space between. Her hands rested themselves in your rosy cheeks as she smiled into the kiss.

    "Ew." A small voice yells across the room pointing the both of you. "Mommy that's gross." You and Cordelia break the loving gesture diverting your attention to the four year old in the doorway of the kitchen. "Well wouldn't you like to think so." Cordelia gives her daughter a devilish grin before chasing her around "come here you little stinker." And eventually swinging her up into her arms.

     The child giggles reaching out for you silently asking for you to hold her. "You want Mama?" You open up your arms letting the little girl fall into your arms as she buries her head into the crook of your neck.

You don't notice how enthralled Cordelia is at this moment. It has always been the small things in life that make hers worth living. Yes of course your wedding day and the birth of your little princess, were her most prize possession, but it was this moment in time where it all made sense, where she finally felt she had all the love in the world right in front of her. This was her cherry on top.

"Honey?" You asked nudging Cordelia's arm gently. The witch's focus was brought back to your glimmering eyes. "You want to make cookies for Santa with us?" You ask looking down at the child that rests on your hip, who has the biggest smile painted across her cheeky face. "Of course." Cordelia smiles pinching the girls cheeks.


    "Elle- no put that back for Mama okay?" You turn your attention from stirring the cookie batter to the toddler running around with an egg in her hand and flour all over her small torso.

    Cordelia catches up to the child gently prying the ingredient from the small hands. "Don't cry tiny love- it's alright." Your daughters eyes fill with tears as she thinks she's in trouble, but Cordelia quickly relieves this stress simply with a hug and lifting her up onto her hip. "Shh you're okay."

    "Here- Elle look at Mama." Cordelia points at you as you're putting the cookies in the oven when a handful of flour is thrown in your face. "I- hey what the fu" Cordelia gives you her mom look before you can finish that sentence. "Come on Y/N, it's for the children."  Her eyes dart to the toddler laughing into her chest.

    "Oh yeah?" You swipe a line of flour across Elle's face making her giggle even more. Your palm makes its way to Delias cheek, (not slapping her) pulling her into a quick kiss. "I love you." You whisper.


    "Well, she's asleep, waiting for Santa." You peer into the entry way of the living room referring to your daughter. You find Cordelia curled up into the side of the couch. With a blanket laid over top of her frame, where your favorite Christmas movie has just started. "Awh- you remembered" 

    Cordelia gives you a smirk. (the one with Misty and the tea scene) She sits up adjusting her posture with open arms. "I never forget sweetheart. Come here." You scoot your feet towards the couch laying down underneath your wife's hold.

    Your gaze trails to the window in corner. Snowflakes pepper the ground below as a candle flickers in the sill leaving its subtle scent in the air. It mimics the crackling fireplace. The Christmas tree that lights in the opposite corner. It reflects off of its colored ornaments that accentuates its calming beauty, just like the blonde woman that lays with her arm wrapped around your waist and her eyes glued to the TV. Just like the woman who has yet to notice your stares of admiration and lust.

    "Everything okay?" She knows more then you think ;) Cordelia asks. "perfectly." You nuzzle yourself into her arms as much as you physically can. "Merry Christmas darling." Cordelia gives a soft whisper planting a kiss on your cheek as you start to drift off to sleep. "I love you too"


A/N- short- yeah Ik but it is what it is. Anyways.

Mom Delia>>>>>anything else

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