Wound of Past~ T.

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Requested~ l0velypaulson "Tammy and y/n had a hard break up in the past, reunite/ feelings come back."

You stopped at the crosswalk pressing the button, waiting for the sign to flash go. The rain trickled off of everything it came into contact with causing the puddle by your feet to grow. Only a few cars passed by occupying the city streets. Water flung off the sides of the each vehicle as they picked up speed, racing home to their families.

The sign clicked now knowing it was safe; you began walking again. It was nearing night and the overhead of dark clouds wasn't helping your vision. Deciding that the only place you'd make it safe to was your sister's. It wasnt far, and you'd only stay until morning.

A few more blocks and you now stood in front of the door knocking three times. "Y/N?" The blonde opened the door hugging you immediately. You hadn't seen her in so long, but the contact was still strong. "Lou." She finally let go of you, welcoming you inside "the den."

Lou wasnt the only one here. There in the living room sat the rest of the women, who you also had a strong bond with. Except the one. "What brings you here?" Lou asked taking off your coat, hanging it on the rack. "My car broke down but its fine I'll deal with it tomorrow."

You began to sit down with the rest of the girls, but just as you walked over so did a familiar blonde coming from upstairs. She paused mid step. Frankly, so did you, while the both of you made eye contact that seemed to never brake.

She was the one that made you hesitate to come back, she was the one you missed so dearly after all these years. You missed those late night talks when neither of you could sleep. Or the movie nights you two would have just like a couple of teenagers on their first dates. Back when she knew how to make you feel comfortable and loved. Now here you stood feeling the complete opposite.
~flash back~ 2 years ago
They always say that a drunken mind speaks with a sober tongue. It was 2 years ago when she looked at you with unconditional love behind her eyes. Now she was causing a world to crumble behind yours. "You make me feel weak!" You screamed across the room. Both faces were tear stained. "Do you think I enjoy being pushed to the side?"

You set the bottle of alchohol on the table sliding it towards her. It was the only thing you two had shared in the past month. Falling asleep together in the same bed? Nope. Sharing a blanket on the couch late at night, while exchanging events that had happened at work? Not anymore. One too many times you'd eat meals alone after opening the front door to an empty home.

"Do you really think I wanna do that to you?" Tammy's voice gradually got louder, maybe if she went a pitch higher the neighbors would come knocking. "It was your decision! You chose her over me". The her in question was some bitch from a bar, that Tammy continued to hang out with even after the fact she drunkenly cheated on you. But Tammy was under the influence, it still hurt you but it wasn't completely her fault. She apologized for it, and you were okay after. But the "being friends" with her drunken mistake pushed the wrong button inside you, especially when she'd come home late from being with her.

"The moment you sobered up and called her was your way of giving up, you chose to push me off to the side and lost what we had." Tammy sat down with her hands in her hair and covering her facing listening to how your voice would brake every so often. She sat there in silence until you finished.

"Its difficult." Her tone barely audioable. "And of course I'm sorry Y/N." She now stood up standing closer to you. The exhaustion in her eyes was the most visible sight smeared across her face. Tammy attempted at cupping your face to wipe your tears with the pad of her thumb but it was unsuccessful. You jerked away from her embrace.

"Dont you dare say you didnt mean to break what you promised you wouldn't."

"But, um-" you turned back around heading towards the door. "maybe I should call someone to pick up the car. It was great seeing you guys. Sorry for-" Tammy finished her way back down the stairs stopping at the end. "No, it's cold and its already after dark." She glanced at the other women noticing how they were just watching how your interaction was going to play out.

Debbie read the room quite well. "Its fine y/n, come on." She helped you to an extra room to stay in. She handed you some extra blankets and pillows. A knock at the door brought the two of yours focus back. It was Tammy on the other side, she crept the door open slightly. Enough to peak her head through and slowly her whole body was in the room.

Debbie mouth the words "talk to her." To you with her back facing Tammy before leaving you two in an dredful silence. You let out a sigh and a small eye roll. "I brought you these." The blonde handed you a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. She didnt bare look you in the eye, her gaze was glued to the floor. "Thanks." Your voice was just above a whisper.

Neither if you dared to break the silence. What were you supposed to say? There was no doubt that both of your minds time traveled back to that night. Well, that was until...

"I cried over you. For days even." Tammy's eyes were met with the side of your cheek. Starting off strong arent we. "I know." You kept your veiw on the floor below you. "Why didnt you reach out?" The blonde reached put for your hand. You let her. Oh how you longed for her innocent touches after all these years. "Why didn't you give us the closure we needed?"

You slowly started to fade away from the floor and met her gaze that was attached to you. Her eyes were soft, gentle. Not like the last time you saw them.

"Because I was hurting too. And I was afraid that if I saw you crying in front of me-" you paused eyes becoming glassy all over again. "If I saw you crying in front of me, I'd apologize and want you back." Tammy's hand was now on your shoulder and inching itself to rub your back. "I couldnt do that. I couldn't let you hurt me again."

You sat on the bed wiping your cheeks. Tammy bent down to be eye level with you as her hands wondered to your face, making up for the loss contact from the past two years. "Y/N, I can apologize every day for the rest of my life. You can chose to accept it or not. I cant change the past. But I never stopped loving you." Both of your expressions softened as the blonde in front of you bit her bottom lip containing her smile.

You nodded slightly, letting a grin of relief paint across your expression. Now you were the one cupping her face, pressing your foreheads only soon to brush eachothers lips together. It wasnt long before the gesture deepened. You broke the kiss that seemed to finally heal the wound of the past.

"I love you."


A/N~ hey :) PSA I start school v soon. So that might mean... updates aren't as often, and I'll hold off on requests (they will be open soon) just unil I know how much work I'll have. Thank you for ur patience


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