I'm Home~ B. DH

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    "Y/N, honey I'm home!" Billie threw her suitcases to the side running towards your shared bedroom to find you asleep in her tshirt.
Billie had been gone for two weeks across the country filming at other haunted location for her show. Being alone while she was on a trip was no big deal until the second week. You had never been alone that long before. Without your girlfriend, you realized how much you depended on her, how much your mental health declined while she was away. You wouldn't eat for days, you became touch starved.  You'd sleep for most of the day and spend the nights wide awake or crying longing for the week to be over so you could feel whole again.

    Billie crept over towards the bed where you lay sound asleep. She slipped in beside you, wrapping an arm around your torso and her head against your neck. You woke up to these movements turning your head, revealing the woman you needed so much right now. Not saying a word, you rotated your entire body, laying against her chest. "I missed you." You mumbled into her frame. Tucking you in closer, "I missed you too babydoll." You missed her pet names.

    The two of you stayed like this for a while before Billie started to get up. "No, a little longer." You pleaded grabbing onto her wrist. She tilted her head in the direction of the bathroom.  Letting go of her, you rolled back over in the bed. Suddenly you heard the bathtub filling up. Billie lifted the blankets off, picking you up and carrying you into the bathroom. She undressed you before you stepped into the tub, she soon joined you.

    Billie propped you up against her naked front as she washed your already wet hair. You laid your head back onto her shoulder with your legs tangled together. "Are you really back?" You asked. "I really am." She kissed your cheek and massaged your scalp. "For how long?" Secretly not wanting to know the answer you wanted the moment to last, you asked anyway. "Long enough love. Lay back." Her tone was soothing, she lightly pressed your head back down onto her.

    With the perfect way to kill the mood your stomach started growling. Billie knew exactly what happens when she leaves. You told her the first time that you didnt eat for a couple of days. She never forgot it. So ever since, when she'd return home she'd ask you; "when was the last time you ate y/n?" Still keeping a calm tone. You shrugged your shoulders. Maybe it was yesterday morning? Two days ago?

   Lifting you out of the tub Billie handed you a towel. Once she was dressed she headed to the kitchen in hopes that you'd eat again now that she was back and you knew you were safe. You came into the kitchen with another one of her shirts on and hair still yet. Billie gave you a sweet smile. "It smells like you."

    Billie began fixing up (favorite food)
Which you ate fine now that everything and everyone was back to normal. "I love you y/n" she kissed you lightly as you put your plate in the sink. "I love you too."

A/N- sorry, this is rlly short the other book I'm trying to work on has had my full attention lately.

-requests open <3

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