Story of the Grand Canyon~L.W

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When someone's heart breaks so does a piece of our world; this creates valleys, cracks in the sidewalk, and even holes in the road. Here's the story of the Grand Canyon.

Its Fall in 1964, Lana and her current girlfriend, Wendy had one of their usual fights. These breakouts started to happen more often as time went on. It was always about work and how they never had time for each other, or any minor inconvenience that Wendy could think of. That's how Wendy was, she'd pick out the tiniest things to blame Lana for. The more this occurred the more Lana left the house mainly for drives just to calm herself down and gather her thoughts. No matter how much Wendy hurt her she always went back. She didn't know what else to do or who to go to.

You and Lana had met at the workplace. When it was your first day, Lana was the one to show you around, help you with your first story for the paper. You became very fond of the woman. You developed some feelings for her but since she had a girlfriend you pushed them aside thinking it was inappropriate, though Wendy wasn't much of a girlfriend anyways. The more you worked with Lana the more you got to know her. She told you that she sometimes had fights with Wendy, though she didn't like to burden you with her problems so she talked about it very vaguely. So the night Lana stood on your front porch with a tear stained face in the rain, you knew in your gut something was up.

It was 11pm you were about to go bed when she knocked on your door. You went back down stairs to open the door, and there she was. "Lana? Honey what's wrong? Why are you out so late?" You wrapped your arm around her shoulders bringing her inside your home. "Why?what time is it?" She was talking so quickly you could barely understand her. Her hands were shaky. "Sweetheart it's 11. How long have you been driving?" You knew that she liked to drive when a fight broke out. "I-I don't know. Oh my god she's gonna kill me!" Lana got rushed back towards the door. You stopped her before she could leave. "Hey, just take a minute. Breathe with me. Okay?" She held your hands as you helped her regulate her breathing. "It's getting really late, why don't you just stay here for the night, we can go to work together then I'll drop you off at home if that's what you want." You wiped a leftover tear from her face giving her a welcoming smile. "Okay." She whispered. "Alright, I'll get your bed ready, make yourself at home."
You went back upstairs to fix up the guest bedroom. You felt bad for Lana. She was the sweetest person you've ever met, she was the kind of person that if she saw you shiver she would give you her sweater even if it was in the middle of winter. You walked down stairs to get Lana. "Hey Lan-" she laid there on the couch asleep probably exhausted from all the arguing she had to deal with at home and not to mention the big report she was working on. Deciding not to disturb her, you covered her up with a quilt that was draped over the back of the couch.

~next morning~

You woke up to the birds chirping and the sunrise beaming threw the silk curtains. Making your way out of the bed you got dressed for the day. As you walked down stairs you smelled the sweet sent of pancakes. "Y/n! Good morning! Hope you don't mind I made breakfast." Lana giggled. "No I don't mind at all." You both smiled at each other. If you could wake up like this every morning with her your life would be complete. You had a great job, the kindest friends, you just needed her. "How'd you sleep?" You asked hoping the couch was comfortable enough. "Better then falling asleep next to a woman who hates me." That sentence right there, broke you. You hated seeing her upset. If Wendy wasn't such a cold hearted bitch that only cares about herself Lana's life wouldn't be so bad. You let Lana borrow some of your clothes to wear to work considering that when she appeared on your porch it had been raining and her other clothes were a bit wet.

The two of you arrived at work. The morning went pretty fast you had some editing and more paper work to do. You didn't want the afternoon to come because that meant that you had to take the sweetest woman on the planet back to her abusive home. You heard a knock on your office door snapping you out of your thoughts. "Y/n, I need your help. I got a new story for the paper. It's at the Briarcliff Asylum." She continued to tell you that there was supposedly a serial killer that went by the name "Bloody Face" "I want to go and ask whoever is in authority there some questions to get more on him. I think it would be a great addition to the paper! Are you in dear?" You gave her a smile, you had worked on reports together before but not a full story. Plus it just meant you didn't have to take her back to Wendy as soon. "I'm in."

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