Only You - C.G

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bold italics means- conversation in each other's head.

Every morning you would wake up with an excruciating headache. Seeing colors and auras of every person you came in physical contact with. Not knowing what was causing this you went to your mom. She told you that you come from a bloodline of witches and you were every sensitive to energy(s), you can also tell when the mood shifts in a room. But the trait skipped a generation so you had double sensitivity. She called an academy that she had seen on the news a while ago.

That's how you got here. You stood at the entrance of the iron gates of a white house. You watched your mothers car slowly get smaller as she drove away. With anxiety coursing through your veins, you turned around to face the front of the home. Pushing through the gates your eyes met a girl about your age with long dark hair and a friendly smile. She reached out for your hand, "Hi. I'm Zoe, you must be y/n." Shaking her hand shyly and nodding Zoe helped you with your suitcases. She gave you a tour of the home that you'd be staying in for who knows how long. The interior felt modern but yet vintage. The walls were white which gave off a subtle glow when the sun hit through the curtains. When Zoe caught you up on the history of the place she showed you to your room. Laying your bags on the bed you smiled at Zoe "thank you Zoe." She smiled back at you "your welcome y/n, but there's someone else we have yet to introduce you too. She's very excited to meet you." Zoe took your hand leading you downstairs in front of a dark wooden door. Zoe knocked twice before a soft "come in" came from the other side. She turned the knob opening up into an office where a blonde woman with chocolate brown eyes sat at a desk. You felt a surge of power in the room your vision got blurry, the room was loud of what seemed to be only one persons voice, though nobody was talking. She looked up at you quickly standing up reaching out her hand for you to grab onto as your balance was off. Grabbing onto her hand all you could see was splashes of light yellow and brown. The woman who had yet to say her name sat you down in one of the chairs in front of her desk. Making sure you were okay she sat back down in her chair. "Wow that's some first impression." You whispered, she gave a slight smirk "you must be y/n. I would shake your hand but I see your quite sensitive to contact. I'm Cordelia." You gave a little giggle while introducing yourself the correct way. The two of you talked about your powers which she further explained helping you understand what it all meant. "Will this go away?" You ask. "What do you mean dear?" Cordelia using the name dear made you slightly blush which didn't go unnoticed by the blonde. "The colors, and falling over when I walk into a room." Cordelia gave you a joking smile, "sweetie it won't go away but I personally am going to help you control this." Delia helped you to your room making sure you were settled and content. " Alright, dinner is at 6, lessons start on Monday, oh! and my room is right across the hall if you need anything, even in the middle of the night you can come to me." She looked at you with a whole hearted smile, "thank you Miss Cordelia." You returned the grin and continued unpacking. After all your clothes were in the wardrobe and in drawers you took a shower, put on (outfit of your choice). Looking at the clock "5:53" just in time for dinner. Going downstairs into the dinning room you noticed not everyone was there yet, but you heard voices coming from the kitchen. You walked in your eyes met with Cordelia. You were staring at each other so intensely with pure lust, neither of you noticed Zoe walk in. "Hi y/n" Zoe said bringing you and Cordelia out of your shared trance. "Oh hi." Zoe put her hand on your shoulder making the colors of light blue and purple appear. You opened your eyes to see Cordelia coming towards you. "It's bothering you, isn't it?" Nodding your head shyly, "after dinner I'll take you to the greenhouse and we can work on controlling this. It's gonna be okay."

When it was officially dinner time and all the girls where at the table Delia made a little clink noise with the fork and glass.
"Alright girls, as you know we have a new student with us. This is y/n. Please make her feel welcome." You smiled at the rest of the girls. You seemed to hit it off with Mallory and Queenie but a bitchy blonde haired girl didn't make an effort to talk to you. You noticed Cordelia staring at you a few times making you blush, but you brushed it off since you were new thinking she was just making sure you were alright. In the middle of dinner the loudness from earlier came back. Your head started to hurt. Cordelia noticed you rubbing your eyes and your head in your hands. You can go if you don't feel well. There it was. That voice again. So you obeyed it and went to your room until moments later a knock came about. "Come in" you said groaning into your pillow. Cordelia walked in sitting next to you with water and Advil in hand. "Here take this. It might help for a little." Swallowing the pill you looked at the woman sitting across from you, "can we work on this now?" She said. "Please" you gave a slight desperate response.

Cordelia took you into the greenhouse and taught you the switch method. It was like a little switch or button you imagine turning on or off depending on if you wanted to use your powers or not. "Okay, give me your hand. And try to turn it off." Delia took your hand in hers, you prepared to pass out or see the colors again but you didn't. You did however feel a little shock of power and tingle where she was holding onto you. Cordelia gave you a hug and a high five. God shes beautiful . "Thank you." You replied. She glanced at you in confusion. "For what?" Glancing back at her "you said I was beautiful. So, thank you." Looking at the time it was getting late the two of you had been in the greenhouse for a while. Saying your goodnights you left to your bedroom leaving Cordelia alone with her thoughts. 'I didn't say it...did I? No. Impossible' She thought before returning to her room. Sleep didn't come easily to her tonight. She hadn't felt a powerful connection like that before so she went to the library the rest of the night. Delia went over page after page tracing her finger over each word before she stopped. "So it's true." Whispering to herself. Suddenly hearing light footsteps behind her. "Y/n?" She called out, you stopping in your tracks walking towards her. "Sorry I couldn't sleep." You sat down next you her as she wrapped her arm around your frame, making you feel a sense of safety and love. "I have a question y/n." The blonde stated. "Can you read minds and not tell me?" You sat up and stared back at the woman. "What do you mean?" Cordelia put the book on the table in front of her putting her full attention on you. "I mean that I think I know why you're having such bad headaches and why you complain it's loud only around me." Delia picked the book back up handing you the page she had bookmarked. Tracing your finger on every word reading it twice just to be sure of the information you have learned. "So, um. So what do we do?" Is the only thing you managed to get out. Cordelia cupped her hands around your face stroking your cheeks with her thumbs. "Please tell me you feel it too little one."

A flash back of all the shock of power that coursed through you at a single touch of the supreme, being the that could read her mind when nobody else physically could, the concoction of love and lust that you felt with nobody else was so clear when you looked into each other's eyes. It's only you that could do it all, because it was you that was her one true soulmate.

It all became a blur of color again. Cordelia pulled you out of your head, "sweetheart?" She whispered softly her hands still on your face. "yes" a yes was said through your tears. Cordelia pulled you closer to her body. "One hell of a first day." You joked after a moment of loving silence filled the air. Delia laughed kissing your forehead. "Love you Delia." You whispered snuggling up into her. "Love you too sweetheart."

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