First Things First

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When I woke up, I felt so at peace, I was in a place where I felt completely and utterly safe. When my eyes fluttered open I saw that the singular pillow that remained of the great wall of pillows was still there, not that that had stopped Cameron's hand from reaching over and intertwining his fingers with mine, but the wall remained only with our hands interlocked above it. 

His touch was warm and comforting that part of me didn't want to let go. That was until I heard banging at the door. Immediately as soon as the sound began, Cameron was up, he bolted off the bed and said, "Stay here."

I nodded mutely my heart thundering as my mind flashed with all the horrible possibilities, had Dane come back for his revenge? So soon after I had been released from their clutches would they be coming back to snatch my freedom away from me once more. Was I destined to awake to another day filled with violence and terror?

I pulled myself out of the bed and knowing that within my luggage I had packed I gun I reached beneath my folded clothes and pulled it out. I didn't really like handling guns, or any kind of weaponry but my father had insisted that I learn. I couldn't be the daughter of gang leader who was notoriously sought after and not know how to shoot straight. 

I needed to protect myself and this time I wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger. I heard Cameron's footsteps trail down the stairs as I leant against our bedroom door, my back pressed flush against it as I listened to what was going on. 

The incessant banging had stopped now and I could hear the remnants of voices floating up the stairs but though they were audible, they were muffled by the walls so I couldn't make out what was being said. 

It was then I heard a flurry of footfall back on the stairs, they felt more set that then ones I heard when Cameron had run down the stairs. There was someone else in our house, but where was Cameron. 

I jumped slightly at the door handle rattling frantically and I shot backwards not wanting to be in the way of the door if it came free. I would be way too close to the attacker if that happened and I wasn't about to be kidnapped twice in a row. 

Being a safe distance away from the door I raised my gun waiting for the door to fly open. 

And when it did my finger almost pressed down on the trigger. 

"Lara," I concerned voice drew me back to reality my gaze shifted to stare at my brother. 

"God Theo," I ran towards him dropping my gun and wrapping my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug, I then pulled back and hit him hard square in the chest. 

He gave me a bewildered look, "What was that for?"

"I could've shot you!" I yelled a little too loudly. 

It was then Cameron's voice sounded through the door, "Good," was his single word response. 

Both Theo and I turned towards him, me with a look of horror and him a look of contempt.

"You wanted me to shoot my brother?" I frowned slightly. 

He chuckled softly whilst looking at Theo's glare, "Of course not, it's just good that you were prepared to shoot had it not been this loveable guy,"

Theo shot him a look of disapproval at the description. Though it did illicit a laugh from me. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked softly drawing Theo's gaze back towards me. 

He looked at me incredulously, "You were kidnapped Lara, I was worried sick how could I not come and check up on you, I was searching for you all night,"

It was at this statement that I noticed the dark shadows beneath his eyes, the tired lines and crows feet imprinting themselves at the corner of his eyes which were laced with red veins splintering off of his iris. 

"Thank you," I whispered hugging him once more, finding comfort in the rhythmic beat of his heart that I could hear by leaning against his chest. A constant in life that I craved a staccato beat that would always pull me back no matter what happened. That beating heart would keep me safe come hell or high waters.

"Do you want some pancakes?" I offered to Theo. 

To which Cameron jumped in, "Absolutely."

"Not for you dummy," I teased to which I saw his lips twitch as though he was about to pout but he realised my brother's presence and thought better of it. Clearly not wanting to jeopardise his position as an uncaring gang leader.

"Sure, nothing beats your pancakes sis," Theo responded and Cameron looked as though he wanted to agree but didn't want to show that he and Theo actually thought the same thing for once. 

"Just let me freshen up a bit and I'll make some," I then whispered to Cameron, "I might let you have some too,"

When Theo wasn't looking he made a small fist bump into the air, this childish side of him would never stop being endearing to me. Those little moments that were just saved for me, and no one else. 

I quickly took a shower which was a relief after being locked up for few days, hot water was a luxury I had missed. And my own shampoos and conditioners felt like heaven after the coarse and generic ones they had given me at Dane's base. 

When I made myself downstairs, I saw the two men waiting patiently, it didn't take me long to make a sizeable amount of pancakes. Plates were cleaned from their food and we all had quite a nice breakfast. 

"Ah shit," I cursed suddenly causing both my brother and Cameron to look at me.

"What's wrong darling," Cameron's voice asked as he walked over to me, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, no I'm fine," I rushed out not wanting to be a cause for concern, "I just realised they threw my phone away."

"It's ok, I'll get you a new one,"

"Thanks, but that phone had some stuff on it that I can never get back now," I mumbled feeling a little disheartened. I had really loved that phone. 

His jaw seemed to clench at this revelation obviously feeling bad that I had lost my phone but I tried to brush it off like it didn't matter. 

"It's alright it doesn't matter that much," I tried to reason and convince myself. 

He nodded slowly, "If you say so sweetheart."

It was then Theo interrupted, "First things first, don't call her sweetheart or darling in front of me I don't like that sappy shit and it feel weird because she's my sister,"

Cameron chuckled, "All the more reason to call you darling now isn't it sweetheart," deliberately using both terms of endearment to get on Theo's nerves. 

Theo glared at Cameron, before his stern look morphed into a sly smirk, "Hey Lara, do something for me will you?"

My gaze flickered to my brother, "What is it?"

"Never make Cameron pancakes ever again."

"What!" Cameron burst out before he could stop himself.

Theo laughed heartily, "Don't think I didn't see that fist bump earlier Grayson,"

Cameron looked severely embarrassed but he played it off as he always did. 

"Nothing gets past me."

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