Never Before

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Just to feel his clothes between my fingers, to feel the rise and fall of his chest as I leant against it, to feel that he was here, really here. He had come for me, when he didn't have to, when it would've been easier to leave me here, to free himself from this marriage of convenience. 

"You're here," I could feel stray tears fall from my eyes, leaving small trails down my face.

He looked down at me, an expression of pure concern swimming in those oh so green eyes, his hand reached up to my face, brushing away a loose tear, and lingering their just for a moment. I could feel a blush blooming beneath his fingers, and I tried my best to halt the tears but doing so just made them run down my face faster. 

"Are you ok, darling?" that voice, so smooth so comforting, a sound that I was so glad to hear. 

I couldn't bring myself to speak the words, to affirm that I was ok when I didn't feel like I was but all I could do was nod slowly. 

It was then his eyes drifted to my neck, still red and raw from earlier. Something blazed in his eyes as he turned to my captor, rage coursing through his features which became set against anger. 

"What did you do to her?" In a moment he was in front of the man that had held me captive, his own sturdy hands pushing him against the wall, in much the same way as my captor had done earlier. 

There was something dangerous in his tone, there was an essence of power and dominion that would make anyone kneel. 


"What did I say I would do if you fucking hurt her?"

There was fear etched on those sharp features, the arrogance felled from it, nothing but pure terror, he couldn't speak frozen against the temperament of one of the most ruthless men there were.  

"Cameron it's ok, I'm fine, really," my voice was soft and breakable, a whisper in an expanse of something so loud. It was something that pulled him from his rage as his eyes met mine, and for some reason I didn't want him to be angry. I didn't want him to be vengeful on my behalf. I just wanted to go home. 

He gave him one last glare punctuated with one final shove, "You should be thankful that she has a kinder heart than me,"

He turned to me and pulled me close, "Ready to go home sweetheart,"

He led me to the door when there was a call behind us, "What about my diamond Grayson? What about the Blood Diamond,"

Cameron turned to him, a smirk on his features, "Find it yourself, Dane"

"We had a deal!" Dane yelled, rage flooding to his features. He reached for his gun but Cameron was quicker, he turned almost immediately and fired his gun, the bullet grazed past Dane Laurier's shoulder missing him by a millimetre. 

"Next time I won't miss Laurier." the threat was clear, "Be thankful I haven't killed you."

"I'll find it," his voice echoed from behind us, "And then you'll be sorry."

"I don't believe in fairy tales." 

And soon we were out of the base. The cool air kissed my cheeks and taking a lungful of fresh air feeling the cold sensation of it rushing through my system a welcomed change from the dank and grimy smell of my cell. 

This time when Cameron saw me shivering he slipped his leather jacket off and placed it on my shoulders. It smelt like him, a mixture of cinnamon and smoke, with a touch of cedar wood. 

I breathed in the smell and it calmed me, making me feel like I was safe once more. 

"Me being gone for a few days has really changed you," I laughed, "You would've never given me your jacket before,"

He chuckled lowly too, "Don't get used to it this is a one time thing,"

"A being kidnapped perk?" I raised my eyebrow. 

"You could put it like that," he shrugged. 

I laughed lightly and added, "Maybe I should get kidnapped more often,"

This caused him to stall in his steps. For a moment I was confused by his actions before be pulled me ever so close to him. I was pressed flush against his chest as he leant his forehead against mine, staring deeply into my eyes and with all the seriousness of death bed confession, "Don't you dare."

My breath caught in the back of my throat as I stared up at him, the deadly conviction in those eyes swirled with the purest silver between cerulean green, "I won't."

We stayed like that a moment more, my heart thundering at the close proximity and just as I was about to pull away, I felt soft lips touch just above my eyes, "You better not."

The action was so soft and sweet I didn't know what to do, so in response I tiptoed and pressed my own lips against his cheek, watching the area blossom with a twinge of pink, a look of surprise on his face.

I leaned in, until I was close enough to whisper in his ears, "I'll always be here, as long as you'll have me."

He interlocked his fingers with my own, I felt his rough palm against mine, a slight warmth making itself known, "I'll have you by my side as long as I have breath in my body."

To say my heart fluttered at the statement would be wholly unrepresentative of the storm within me, "And I'll be here as long as my heart beats."

Never before had I felt so truly about the words I said. Never before had I felt this way, but that was just what Cameron did to me. 

"Alara..." his voice was soft a whisper in the wind only meant for me. 

"Don't ever leave me."

"I won't."

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