Whatever it takes

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The crowd had mostly dispersed now leaving only me the police and Alara's friends. 

Her friend Haifa was crying fat tears streaming down her heart shaped face, I wasn't really good with emotions so I didn't know how to handle the crying girl before me, "Hey, Haifa, it's ok, I'll find her," I tried my best to console her. Through her tears she sniffed and nodded. 

Roan glared at me, "This is all your fault," he had deep black skin and a winning smile but deadly eyes all the same. 

"If she had never gotten involved with you she wouldn't be missing," he gave me a scowl that showed how deep his hatred ran. 

"You think I wanted this for her?" I bit out gritting my teeth to keep the anger at bay. I couldn't keep wasting time here. 

"I'll find her," I repeated a strong sense of resolve in my words by Roan didn't seem to believe anything I said.

One of the police officers walked over towards me, he recognised me immediately, "Mr Grayson, we will do everything in our power to retrieve Miss Mortello."

I nodded stiffly having little to no hope in the police force. 

Once I reached my car I slammed the door shut and sped off to the place I dreaded to go. 

I pulled into the driveway of the Mortello household, the trimmed green plants and heavily scented flowers coming into my field of view as I edged closer to the door. 

I didn't even need to knock before Theodore Mortello came barrelling out of the door, his gun raised and venom in his eyes, "Give me one reason I shouldn't fucking shoot you," his voice was gritty and the grasp on his gun tightening with each threatening word. 

"You don't want to shoot me Theo,"

"Fuck you," he spat, "My sisters with you for a day and you've lost her already. You were supposed to protect her."

"That's why I came here, I swear I will find her. Whatever it takes." I tried to keep my tone as cool as possible not wanting to aggravate the tempestuous brother. 

He still didn't lower his gun he made his way closer, "If anything happens to her I won't hesitate to put a bullet through your skull," it was after this final statement he lowered his gun but not before glowering at me one last time. 

"I'll search for on the west side, you take the east, any sign of her you call me, immediately, I don't trust you to find her on your own."

He turned to walk away but before he could leave I called out.

"It's the Bloodhounds, it has to be,"

Theo stilled with his hand gripping the edge of his car door, "Are you sure?"

I nodded slowly and before any other words fell from my mouth he was gone his car speeding away with a definitive screech of the tyres. 

The Bloodhounds were very secretive with their base just as we were, no one truly knew where their base was. But what they had done would be seen as an act of war on both us the Vipers and the Mortellos. 

There would be blood to be spilt for what they had done. 

It was then I saw my phone light up and ring with an incoming call, the number was private, "Hello," my voice was gruff and teetering on the edge of frustrated. I didn't have time for any of this.

"Ah Grayson," I stalled at the voice it was so very familiar a deep undercurrent of arrogance seeping into every word, "I think I have something that belongs to you," 

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