The little things

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After bidding goodbye to some of his gang members, Cameron and I climbed into his car and made our way home. 

I rested back in the seat feeling the fatigue of the day and fight settle in, but before my eyes could close completely I murmured,  "Tonight was fun,"

He took his eyes off the road for a second and glanced at me, "Really? Getting your ass kicked was fun?" the mockery in his voice was becoming more and more familiar. 

My eyes flew open at this statement as I was ready to argue my way through, "Says the guy who almost lost to me,"

He chuckled lowly, "Almost is being generous. Like I said I was going easy on you,"

"You're just too stubborn to admit how good I am," I huffed curling back into my more comfortable position in my seat. 

"Too stubborn or not living in a fantasy?" he quipped. 

That caused me to launch from my seat and hit his hand, "Hey I wasn't that bad!"

He glared at where my hand had made contact with his arm, "Don't hit the driver," there was something steely about his gaze that made me shrink back from him. 

He noticed my change in mood but didn't do anything to rectify it. He merely averted his attention back to the road as I mumbled under my breath, "Way to kill the mood."

He had heard me despite me trying to be as quiet as possible, "There was no mood in the first place, darling. You'll know when there's a mood," he looked at me and smirked as what he was insinuating dawned on me. 

He watched the horror on my face and laughed out loud, "Don't tell me you're that sheltered?"

I sat up straight in my seat, "No. Nope, we are not having this conversation, not now, not ever,"

There was mirth in his eyes and his grin, "So you do know what I'm talking about," he nodded slightly and gazed deeply into my eyes as he spoke, "Good to know,"

Like a petulant child I turned away from him, sulking at his attitude and everything about him. But I couldn't deny that it was good to hear him laugh, to see him show any amount of emotion. It made me believe like a fool that maybe he wasn't so much of a monster after all, but I still had to keep my guard up. 

The drive was peaceful from there on out, and my eyes became hooded with sleep as we pulled into the driveway. I didn't feel like getting up, I was the type of person who could sleep anywhere as long as I was tired enough. 

I heard Cameron unclip his seatbelt and walk to the other side of the car next to my door. At first he used his knuckle to  knock against the window, rapping it three times to try and wake me. I groaned and turned away from the window almost resting my head on the console of the car. I curled more into myself finding the car suddenly extremely comfortable, I would happily sleep here. 

But Cameron had other idea, when I didn't respond to his knocking he took another course of action, he pulled open the door and a blast of cool air hit me. I groaned even louder but still refused to get up, I know I am such a child but I couldn't get myself to move even with the cold air causing my skin to covered in goosebumbs, literally begging me to go into the warmth that I knew was awaiting me in the house. 

"Alara," Cameron called, trying once again to wake me. 

"Go away," I stretched my syllables in a childish way.

He huffed, placing one arm above the door, "So you are awake, Alara come on,"

"No," he sighed again more irritable this time. 

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