Dresses and Suits

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Going shopping had significantly improved Alara's mood, she was less absorbed in what had happened to her shop and more enthralled by the vast selection of dresses surrounding her of every hue and cut possible, her fingers trailed between the racks of dresses, pausing every once in a while on one that peaked her interest.

It was adorable to say the least, the smile that graced her features every time she saw something that she liked I would never tire of. The excitement in those eyes refused to dwindle despite all that had happened. 

"See anything you like?" I asked edging a little closer to her, she turned to face me. 

"There's too many to choose from," she murmured her eyes reverting back to the dresses, "But I really want to wear navy." It was then her eyes were drawn to a particular dress it was navy just like she wanted and floor length with gold detailing curling up the bodice of thorns and roses. 

She pulled it from the rack placing it in front of her and showing it off to me, "What do you think?"

I smirked, "I think," placed my hands on her waist and pulled her closer so there was only the dress keeping us apart, as I leaned down to her ear and whispered, "I'd like to see you try it on,"

She blushed furiously before adding, "I think that would be a good idea too," and scampering off to the changing rooms. She didn't take too long to slip into the dress but I was wholly unprepared for what I was about to see. 

The moment she walked out, my breath caught in the back of my throat. She literally took my breath away as she twirled in that deep navy gown that flowed around her effortlessly, hugging her curves in all the right places. The neckline was high but that only accentuated her figure more, the gold detailing curving up across her chest in a fray of thorns and roses.

As she twirled around she playfully fluttered her eyelashes towards me, "What do you think?"

Her nimble fingers clutched at the edges of the dress, her brown skin glowing against the dark material. 

"You look stunning, darling," again a blush bloomed across her features as she looked down not knowing what to do with the compliment. 


"Would I lie to you, sweetheart?"

She laughed a little at the question before edging closer to me, "Of course not, you hate liars,"

"So is this the one you want to get?" I had to stop myself from saying she shouldn't look at any more dresses because she looked ethereal in this one. 

"Absolutely," she manoeuvred her hand so she could grab the tag and pull it towards her. A soft gasp fell from her lips as she read the price, "Oh God, this is £2500, I can't get this,"

She was about to rush to take the dress off, not wanting to ruin such a beautiful piece that she thought she would never be able to get. 

"Don't worry about the price, sweetheart, I'm buying," I responded.

"No way you have that much money to waste," she gawked at my statement. 

"One, its not a waste because it's as if that dress was made for you, two I have money to spare, it will barely make a dent in my pocket,"

Her features morphed into one of surprise, "Are you sure? I could always get something a little less expensive,"

"Don't even think about it, you want this dress I know you do, so I'll get it for you,"

"Ok but I'm going to pay you back, I promise," she rushed out. 

"You don't-"

She halted my speech, "I want to, I don't want you to think that I'm just using you for your money,"

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