CH 43 The Magnolia's

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Alex's POV:

These last few days with Christian have been nothing but confusing. And it was taking everything with in me not to figure out just what he was thinking. He was now distant, less provoking, and more bossy as a teacher. As if he was truly becoming the man every student already thought he was...

But I made a promise to Luke, and to myself not to worry about things, or over analyze everything until my last AP test. So that is exactly what I'm going to do. Stay calm, stay motivated, and put together. After all I'm Alex Abernathy, and nothing stops me... usually.

I walked into class today earlier than I usually do. Wondering, as any other female student at Saint Mary's would, exactly what tight shirt Christian was wearing today. But after following the first two students into the class, I sat down at my desk, slightly peering around the room to see if Christian was near. 

When he was no where to be seen. Just me in an empty classroom, with a few students filtering in. But today wasn't about Christian, today was about me. Not Christian. Me.

After I pushed my thoughts and questions about my overly confusing teacher out of my mind, I noticed just how bad the weather kept on getting. I sat my bag to the side of my desk, and turned to look more out the window. Watching as a perfect bolt of lighting stretch across the sky, touching down somewhere in town. Making a powerful rumble only a few seconds later.

I must have been staring out the window for quite sometime, since the next thing I heard was...

"Okay class." His voice carried through the room. Making my head snap towards the front of the class. I felt my chest warm and my breathing constrict as his eyes landed on mine. "You know the drill, the assignment is on your desk. Work in pairs if you need to. And I'll be sitting at my desk, grading papers, if you need me." He said, with a soft tone. 

The dark and brooding Christian I had earlier this week was no longer there, and was now replaced with the one I've gotten to know so well.

I watched as christian rounded the corner of his desk, almost smirking to himself as he sat down. Appearing as if the man was visibly happy at school. I kept thinking over and over in my mind, just why his mood was so lively, when it occurred to me. 

The motherfucker probably got laid.

I rolled my eyes, and shrugged deeper into my seat, as I tried to force every mental image of Emma and Christian out of my mind. I mean I can picture it too clearly. I know exactly how it starts with them... on the couch... no blinds... no disregard for other people... just them.

Without realizing it I let out an audible scoff and crossed my arms. Noticing a of the students around me turn and look at me. When my eyes then made it to Christian's. His eyes were wide, and now trailing my legs I had stretched out underneath my desk.

I felt a sour venom seep into my mouth, as I felt his gaze trail back up me. I immediately pulled my legs back and sat up straight. Now looking back outside the window. Physically pushing Christian out of my sight and mind. 


When the bell finally rang for class, I shot up from my desk. 

I needed to get out of here. Just watching Christian smirk, and smile to himself was making me sick. My stomach was in knots and the pressure in my head increased, with every thought of Christian passing in my mind. 

I quickly shoved everything into my back pack, and grabbed the assignment. Wanting to be the first one out of there. When I then got stuck behind Sarah Long, Jade's best friend. It was a constant battle, in my brain, to try and not mentally murder her, since she always has to be the first one to turn in her assignment when it came to getting close to Christian. Even if it was only for a few seconds...

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