CH 28 Meet the Robinson's

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Alex's POV:

I brushed the top of my hand lightly against Christian as I passed him. Letting the burn irritate my skin as I walked over to Jake.

I laughed as I made my way over to him, admiring his pink attire.

"Jake, I didn't know we'd both be wearing the same thing tonight." I giggled. Standing now directly in front of him. Still overly aware that Christian and Emma are looking at me.

"What? You've got a problem with us matching?" He smiled as he looked down on me.

"We aren't even that close, are we?" I asked. Picking up the hem of my skirt. Bringing it up to the side of his collared shirt.

"By the looks of it." Jake said. Bringing his arm up to the wall besides us, so he could lean on it. "We appear to be a couple..." he said under his breath. 

When I looked up at him, I saw that his cheeks were rosy. While his eyes were now glued onto mine.

"Yeah." I laughed, trying to break free of his lustful glare. "A couple of idiots..." I said, looking back down, as I brushed the wrinkles out of his shirt. 

"We'll I'm glad I got to see you before I split." He said.

"Where are you going?" I asked, still looking down at his shirt.

"A party. But I had to put in my two cents before my mom had a cow." I heard him breath out. 

Feeling Jake's gaze trail over me, I noticed Christian out of the corner of my eye adjust himself. Leaning into my peripheral more and more, as if he wanted me to see him.

"Hey, you want my number, before you leave?" I asked quickly, looking back up into his blue eyes.

He let out a large laugh, and looked back down on me. "What made you guess?" He asked, rhetorically.

"You can have it... but, you'll have to earn it." I said, with a polite smile. Watching his eyes flicker with curiosity. As I leaned in a bit closer and whispered. "I'm going to try to walk past you, but you need to grab my wrist and pull me back." I said.

"Easy enough." He smiled, leaning his arm back off the wall. "This for a little stunt of yours?"

"Of course... Then when you pull me back, I need you to brush my hair out of my face. After that you can let me go." I paused, watching him nod. "If you do a good job you'll get my number from Luke." I smiled, as he his eyes stayed fixed on mine. "Ready?" I asked. Patting him on the shoulder.

"Born ready." He responded, with ease.

When I then slid past him. I felt my wrist become grasped by a large hand, right on cue, and then pulled backwards. I let him pull me all the way to his chest. As I then steadied myself against his broad frame. Trying not as I see Christian in the corner fidget. When Jake then brushed a strand of hair out of my face, only to then trace the side of my cheek and grasp my chin.

Oh, come on Jake, this is totally unscripted... Don't blow this blue eyes...

He then tilted my gaze up to look at him, having his thumb travel up to my bottom lip. Slightly pulling it down while, looking onto them with dark, hungry eyes. I felt a moment or two pass before, I feared he was going to kiss me.

Quickly, I brought my hand up to his and lightly pulled it away from me. Slightly turning my body away. Hoping he won't still lean in...

"You'll have my number by the end of the night." I said, smiling up at him. Turning fully away from his grasp as I winked at him. 

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