CH 27 Probably Just Friends

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Alex's POV:

Jesus Fucking Christ. 

Father Jepson could not have handled that any worse. He completely froze, stuttered, and acted light a baffled fool right in front of him. 

Not only that, but Christian had to show up freshly showered, smelling heavenly, and looking like some marble statue carved by Michelangelo. 

I stepped onto the Lockwood's large back porch and inhaled a deep breath of air. Smelling the salt water, and charred meat on the grill. These backyard barbecues are starting to remind me of a different memory. One I happened to share was a familiar stranger at the time...

I turned around and leaned against the banister, looking back inside the large house through the window. There was a new face.

It was a woman. I could tell she was out of place because of the dress she wore. Everybody wore bohemian or Hampton style dresses, and clothing. Not extremely business-like dresses, freshly pressed and all.

I squinted to see her better through the window, when I gave up. Pressing myself off the banister, and walking back into the house. Slowly stalking towards her, similar to predator and prey.

She was in a small corner near the dinning table, looking at the picture on the wall with curiosity. While I looked at her in the same manner. She had dirty blonde hair with subtle highlights, while her eyebrows were colored a deep dark brown, almost black. Her complexion was quite pale and plain, which ironically added to her beauty. It was simple. Everything about her appearance was.

Something I didn't know I envied. Being unconventionally beautiful among the plastic Barbie's of the neighbor hood.

She was like an unaware girl, huddled in a tiny section. Unaware of my analysis. It was so pure, innocent, and somewhat ignorant of her to assume no one was watching her, especially here. Adding to my curiosity in just who this woman was.

As I got closer I saw her long, thin legs, leading into small, heeled sandals. I was expecting her to be somewhat average height, when all reality, she had to be 5'10" or 5'11". Reminding me of the build of a female volleyball player I saw in Miami.

I felt my senses heighten, as I watched her stare at the painting some more. Still unaware of my presence as I continued to approach her. She was new. She was so... plain. She was—

"Alex. There you are!" I heard someone exclaim, making me and the woman in front of me turn towards the voice.

I felt a sour venom mix in my stomach as I saw Dan approach me. I quickly plastered a fake polite smile on my face as I watched him.

"Dan." I stated, in an upbeat manner. "I didn't know you were going to be here." I said, letting him embrace me into a tight side hug.

"Hey, have you met Em?" He asked, turning both of us to look at my plain prey...

"No." I stated with a smile, as I locked eyes with her light blue ones. 

"Em, come here." He said, waving her over to us, as he still held me tight. Pressing his finger tips into the skin of my bicep. "This is the girl I was tellin you about." He said, chuckling to himself, as the woman approached us.


Christian's POV:

I started to chuckle as Alex passed me. Relishing in the fact I got her and the priest flustered. The small man in front of me finally had his worried look fade, as my laugh comforted him.

"It was you." He said, look at me with uncertainty.

"Yes." I laughed, pressing my hand into my stomach as I steadied myself. "Wanna drink?" I asked.

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