CH 8 Dumbfounded

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Alex's POV:

After I raced home from school, my mom greeted me at the door. A little too excitedly...

"Alexandra, I set out a good dress for you, and I want you to dress up real pretty tonight. So make sure you look nice." She said, as she pulled out a tray of fresh fruit from our large fridge.

"Why are you so concerned with how I look? Is Justin's mom coming?" I asked, strolling into the kitchen more. "I already told you, I'm done with him. I --"

"No." She said, as she walked back to the fridge, starting to pull things out and rearrange them. "It's actually the neighbor. He's young, charming, very handsome, and—"

"Mom." I said coldly, dropping my backpack on the floor. "Do not try and set me up with anyone tonight, okay?" I said, pointing a finger at her.

"Why?" She asked, pulling out cool whip and other ingredients she usually uses to make her fruit dip. "You are 18. There's nothing wrong with that, and I know you like more mature men, and—"

"Mom last time you did this, it was with Justin and it did not end smoothly." I said. Turning away from her to run up the stairs to my room. "I love you so much, but I can't have you play Cupid again, okay?"

"But—" I heard her exclaim from the kitchen. 

"No mom. " I said, from the top of the stairs. "I'll find someone on my own thank you!" I finished, closing my room door behind me.

Despite the fact that I was pervertedly attracted to my neighbor's silhouette, I had a worry that he wouldn't be interested in me. I mean I've never seen his face, and I haven't ever spoken to him so, there's a chance we wouldn't click. But the feeling of him possibly not liking me in the slightest kind of stung. Plus, he has a girlfriend... And whenever my mom sets me up with someone, there's too much pressure. Making any possible attraction fade...

When I entered my room, I saw a clean white dress draped perfectly across my bed. I was almost shocked by the cut of dress she picked, and I immediately put it on.

 It was elegant, but fun enough that it wouldn't spook my mom or dad's friends. It was a more mature dress, than the simple ones I wear.

I admired the way it held my breasts in place, and how it molded against my curves. Making me overtly aware of my femininity the dress gave me. I was used to the old and tattered beach clothes that were too loose on me. But they made me comfortable when I was in front of people, but ever since he moved next door. I've changed up my style. Wanting to be seen, rather; than hidden.

 I sighed out a deep breath, when I realized my mom was right for wanting me to dress up nice. I mean, if I were to inevitably meet the neighbor tonight, I should look good, right? 

I curled my hair and tossed it up into an elegant sort of up do, while applying more makeup on than usual

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I curled my hair and tossed it up into an elegant sort of up do, while applying more makeup on than usual. From how long I was in the sun yesterday, I had a natural rosiness to my cheeks so blush wasn't necessary. Making my makeup appear more natural than all over the place.

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