CH 17 Absent

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Alex's POV:

I got the luxury of sleeping in on a fabulously sunny Monday morning, and did not hesitate to treat myself to a big breakfast.

I shoved my duffle bag into the back of my brother's car, and looked over at mine, frowning as I patted the tarnished hood. The poor thing would not make it to Miami no matter how many times I pulled over for it to cool off. I winced at the thought of doing so and piled into my brother's car, starting it, and connecting my phone to the Bluetooth.

I smiled as I turned on Doin' Time by Lana Del Rey, as I started to imagine how Christian was going to react. My absence would definitely be something he wasn't going to expect from such a fine, bright student.

After our fight, I'll have no doubt he'll panic, thinking I switched schools. Or refused to come in to class from my embarrassment of our argument. But after he sees I'm not on my porch all week either... ah... the taste of sweet revenge.

The only thing I worried about was Anthony. I so horrifically took his car, or as he says.... "His baby" off his hands for a week, while I relaxed in paradise.

He got to visit grandma at the beginning of this year. Plus, he was lucky enough his girlfriend offered to drive him to school, or else he'd have to use mine. And he would rather drop dead than drive my car into St. Mary's. I just hope he doesn't do anything to my it in spite of me. The last thing I would want to see when I get home, is a shiny new car, I didn't pay for.

Pushing all my worries about my car out of my head, I pulled onto the highway and headed down the coast, more than excited to get away for the week.

I left my mom a note and texted her before I left so she knew I was gone. She was at her weekly coffee with her friends, and could not disappoint them by seeing her daughter off. How rude would that be??


After filling up my gas tank only once and after a few hours, I pulled down Coral Drive. Happy that I beat the sun before it set. I turned down my music and rolled down my windows as I smelled the salt water and fresh cut grass of the neighborhood. 

It was a lovely area right out side of Miami, where the houses were on one side, and the beach on the other. Perfect for the retirement community down here. 

I pulled into my grandmas house and before I could get out of my drivers seat, the old woman herself comes running out of he house with wide arms... "Alexandra! You made it here so fast!" She said, helping me open my door, while embracing me in a tight hug.

"Grams! I said, we would watch the sunset." I laughed pulling away from her, as I noticed her face... well new face... "Grams are those eyelash extensions?" I asked, as I shut the door behind me. Trying to not look surprised as I walked back to grab my bag from the back.

"Yes dear, it's so much easier than doing my makeup every morning. I also got botox and lip filler." She said smiling, as she took my arm.

"Ahh well, I can see that." I said, laughing as she guided me inside.

"Oh you get to meet Tom." She said, as I set down my bag at the door. 

Looking around I noticed all the changes she made to her house last time I was here. There is more of everything. More pictures, more glasses, more couch pillows, more pool chairs outside. She was becoming a completely different person... and good for her. That woman was starting to crumble in front of me, and now, she's some new and regenerated woman.

"Who's Tom, Grams?" I asked, as I stepped into the living room. Turning back around to look at her.

"I am." I heard a deep voice say from the kitchen. My eyes nearly popped out of my head as I watched a man who looked eerily like Harrison Ford appear. "It's nice to meet you Alexandra, your grandma has told me a lot about you." He said, reaching for my hand.

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