CH 16 Shaking Hands With The Devil

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Alex's POV:

I felt my phone buzz a couple of times, causing me to turn over and grab it. My eyes grew wide with shock, when I saw what time it was. 


I told Sal I'd be at the shop at 9:30 for us to open at 10 and it's 9:15 right now. I leaned over and looked at Jake who was still sleeping on his side of the tent. He saw the beginning of the heated discussion between me and Christian last night, and figured I needed some space. Luckily he didn't hear a word between the two of us. Only the fact that Christian looked as if he was going to kill me. If only he knew the real intent behind those eyes...

I lightly shook Jake awake when he opened his eyes slowly. Rubbing the sleep out of his blue eyes. "I'm running late for work. I'll catch up with you guys later." I said, watching him sleepily turn towards me.

"Alright, I'll tell the guys to the clean up." He said, as he shifted, to sit up. Clearly still half asleep.

"No." I said, placing my hand on his perfectly toned bicep. "Let them sleep in, and you sleep as well. It's a Sunday, no one's going to care about a few tents up." I said, getting up from my pile of blankets.

"What about your neighbor?" He asked as he closed his eyes again, and laid back.

"He won't be a problem. Trust me." I said, opening the tent.

"What did you do? Threaten him?" He asked, as he let a tired chuckle slip through.

"Yep." I said, nonchalantly, as I heard him laugh. I would never tell the police anything regarding me and Christian. I said it from the anger and heat I felt deep down inside, and I believe in some way he knew that. He knew I would never jeopardize his job, let alone ruin my reputation at St. Mary's. But I was still mad, I still wanted to him to hurt and in someway feel the same pain I was. With my mind still on Christian, I stepped out of the tent with ease. "See ya later." I said in a near whisper, before zipping it closed.

Quickly, I grabbed my blue bikini that was air drying on the porch and ran off to my car. Pulling out of the drive way and making it to McKady's in record time. While I left a backyard full of boys behind...


As I was renting a boat to a couple, my phone kept buzzing non-stop. I sighed, and pulled it out, noticing all the texts that covered my screen.

MOM: Make sure to pack for your grandmas today, she expects you late Monday night.

MOM: I just talked to her, she said to bring a few books, you'll be going to the beach.

MOM: Did you tell your teachers that you'd be gone this week?


I mentioned it to my teachers last term, but I never said anything to Christian. My annual week in Miami was this week, and it slipped my mind to tell him. I didn't even want to see him right now.

Plus, how am I supposed to tell him I wont be at school all week? Walk over to his house, and just say, "hey, I know gave you hell last night, but I'm gonna be in Miami all week. So don't expect me?"

I started to feel the guilt rise in my chest, as I thought of how unusual it would be of me to not show up to school for an entire week. Not telling him why, or when I was planning on being back, after the argument we just had. That would be crazy, petty, and—


That's it! I won't tell Christian I'm gone. He seems hell bent on proving to himself that there's nothing between us. So it shouldn't matter if I disappear for a week... right? It would let him stew in the last words we exchanged, while I tan on a sandy white beach.  

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