CH 38 Mister Perfect

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Christian's POV:

"Emma." I spoke almost shocked-like, when I then quickly cleared my throat. "What's wrong?" I asked. Watching her walk into the Abernathy house hold.

"Dan and I are ready to go." She said, pointing with her thumb behind her, as she walked further towards us. 

There it is again... the two of them. 'Dan and I'; and 'me and Dan'; 'we'; 'us'...

 I wasn't jealous, no... I was just starting to get fucking annoyed. Annoyed that I never fucking get a moment alone with Alex. Annoyed that I have a girlfriend, and any time I get a moment alone with Alex, someone interrupts. And now Emma is here, the girlfriend, whining yet again that she's ready to leave. Oh excuse me, not just her... but her and Dan are ready to leave...

I exhaled a deep breath, before she completed the distance and grasped my arm. Trying hard not to instantly rip it away out of annoyance. Her voice, her laugh, her presence, how much she makes me do for her, it all just  starting to fucking annoy me.

"Are you okay?" She asked looking up at me. "You look like you have a headache."

"Oh he's fine, I think he might just be tired." Luke said, while keeping his arm tightly linked around Alex. Thankfully her hair was covering her neck, as she peered up at him with a emotionless look, "I heard him yawn earlier." Luke nodded, to Emma.

"Well come on then, let's get you to bed." Emma said, looking up at me, as she started to pull me towards the back door.

I kept quiet, clenching my jaw, knowing it was best not to say anything contradictory.

I looked back at Alex, who's bright eyes sent me a soft look. Making my heart twist within my chest. I wanted to stay, I wanted to see where things took us, I wanted to be with her again, all alone... I needed her.

When Emma finally pulled me out of the back door, I looked forward. Trying hard not to focus on every buzz left in my body from being by Alex. It was if my body was becoming colder and my mood was being more hostile the farther I was away from her. 

I didn't feel the same, and all I wanted to do was see her again...


Alex's POV:

I opened the shop for sal today, after using Anthonys car to drive here, and got a few things in order before he came in. But I couldn't help but notice the fiery ginger, pulling open the shack's gate that closed the counter, already waiting for me.

"Yes?" I asked, as I pulled out the inventory sheet from below.

"Are we gonna talk about last night at all?" He asked, leaning forward. Looking at me with his head tilted down, so his sunglasses didn't block his view.

"Yeah..." I said, setting the clipboard on the counter. "What is with you and Josh not staying to help me put out the fire. It took me almost an—"

"You know that's not what I'm talking about..." he said, looking at me a bit more colder than before.

"Don't give me that look, Luke." I said, turning my back to him, leaning against the the counter so I didn't have to look at his freckled face. "Neither of us knew it was going to happen, it just sorta did..." 

"X," He said, softly. "I know I joke with you about this, but the man has a girlfriend... One that seems very attached." 

I didn't want to say anything back, or put my foot in my mouth. The deal with Christian, is that he makes me unpredictable, and act completely different than I have before. And it was more of a thrill each time I was with him. As if I could feel myself changing... but, Luke was perfect at smashing any idea of the two of us in half. So... I  just kept my gaze aimed at the floor. Looking at just how much sand has gotten in here this morning...

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