CH 39 The "C"

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Alex's POV:

I didn't see Christian at all this weekend. Not outside, not through his window, no where. I mean... it didn't help that I was somewhat hiding in my room from my parents. I didn't want them to see the hickeys still on my neck. They already knew that I burned my hand with a roasting stick, so sporting more marks will make them hysterical.

My mom would be pissed that I would be foolish enough to let them be visible, while my dad stood back and agreed with her. Despite her absolutely loving the idea of me and Christian together... she would still have a cow that I let the mark of our actions, remain visible.

By the time Monday morning rolled around, the guilt started to settle in my chest. Christian is in a relationship, and I... Well I let it happen. I don't care that Jake is obsessed with me, he'll loose interest. They usually do after a while...

I sat down and looked in the mirror. Looking at the slight twinge of reddish-purple on my neck. And instead of feeling euphoria and satisfaction at what it signified, I started to feel guilt. I let Luke get into my head. And no matter how much foundation I am putting on my skin, it doesn't successfully cover the bruise. 

I tried parting my hair differently, in a way that would cover the bruises better. But my natural waves in my hair kept making the marks visible. 

I sighed, and walked to the bathroom. Pulling out the straightener...

After successfully straightening the large amount of my thick hair. I finally parted it so you couldn't see any marks. 

"Alex you finally ready?" I heard Anthony exclaim from the bottom of the stairs. 

I swallowed my guilt down and smiled to myself. Trying to fake the confidence I needed to get through the day. 

Once I left the bathroom and grabbed my backpack. I descended the stairs. 

"You hair... It's straight." I heard Anthony say, and I walked to the garage door. He is the last person that needed to find out about the lovely, little bruises that decorated my neck. 

"Yes Anthony. I straightened it. Can we go to school now?" I asked, opening the door and walking through it. 

I B-lined it to Anthony's car and plopped down in the passenger seat. Hoping he wouldn't give me any attitude over my own mood. But as if he could read the room, he just climbed into the car and started it. Pulling out of the driveway, as I noticed Christian's G-Wagon was gone.

I started to feel angry and hostile, as I though over the entire situation between me and Christian again. 

He shouldn't have done anything while still dating Emma. And I... I should have helped my self. I have great self control. I'm not some irrational teenager, like everyone else. I was Alex... Calm... Cool... and Collected Alex...


Christian's POV:

I needed to talk to her, about what happened. I needed to clear any misconstrued information...

I was planning on breaking up with Emma this week. But the woman has been avoiding my calls and only responding with texts, as if she knows what is going to happen. 

Emma was nonexistent to me anymore, and I just needed her out of my life. It didn't matter if it was all for Alex, because me and Emma... we were never going to work. Lucky enough for me, Emma didn't know Alex was one of my students. She thought Alex belonged to the university in the city, believing that she was older than she was. When in reality Alex acted older and Emma acted younger. 

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