16. Talk

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Sofia was sent to psychiatric hospital as they wanted Sofia to be mentally stable. Within hospital, Sofia was testified to have depression, anxiety and DID(Dissociative identity disorder/ multi-personality disorder) Doctors recommend to give treatments to Sofia alone until she get cured. She should not be contacted by his known persons. For the last time before their departure, doctors gave Sofia to talk to her loved ones.
"No-one believed me again Felix. Every proof was against me. Help me Felix someone is plotting me. You know right I can't do something like that?" Sofia was crying continuously hugging her husband.
"I believe in you Sofia. Be a good girl. If you stay there like a good girl, they will send you quickly. I will wait for you. Don't worry." , Felix hugged Sofia tightly . He was trying his best not to cry in front of Sofia and make her more sad. Felix love Sofia very much. So he should help Sofia to get cured.
"Felix, then why didn't you tell that I'm not wrong. So they will not separate you from me"
"Sofia, You are going to hospital because you can come out like a strong girl You believe in me right?"
"You mean I'm weak? Yeah I forget it. I'm a weak pathetic being who killed her own mother."
"Sofia I didn't mean you are weak. I mean you should be more strong so no one will try to do bad things to you like last time. And what do you mean by you killed your mom? I heard it several times but I never got a chance to ask it. Sofia? Baby? can you tell me about it?", Felix asked softly.
" when I was 14 years old, in a day where my father was in a business trip, father's enemies attack us and keep me and my mother as a hostage. They raped me. I am weak and pathetic so couldn't protect myself and they tortured and killed her in front of my eyes. I couldn't do a single thing. I also about to get killed but my father saved me. I know Felix. I'm a mental patient. I was from my mother's death. Don't need to hide it. I don't know how I killed many people. I only know that I can never do something like that. I even became the reason to your mom's death.  Always I am the one who responsible for everyone's death."
"Hey hey hey who told you are the reason for my mother's death?"
"I got a hint when you ignored my presence but I got to know that when you yourself told me on that night. My presence in this world is also a sin."
"Sofia I told you right. The words I told you on that night, I never mean it."
"Though you mean it or not it is the truth. Even I ruined your life. You got forced to marry me. I was a burden to the world."
"When did you know? "
"Your mother told me. I'm sorry for everything I did to you."
“Even though it was a forced marriage, you made my life beautiful. You are the best wife “, Felix was trying his best to cheer up her. But today she was totally opposite. Her smile is faded. Even there was no a fake smile. It was because she got to know that it’s useless to smile after all she became the reason of everyone’s sadness.
“I may be the beat wife. But as a human I am a failure. “
“Remember that your presence to the world is neither a sin nor a burden. Your innocence if a bless to the world. Mental stability become unstable is not means you failed as a human. It means you are  a fighter. Although many problems came you fight for your life.  Remember I love you. And I mean it. Get cured and come home quickly I am waiting for you. Don't be depressed. Okay?"

"I’m depressed with the thought of separating from you"
Sofia left.

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