1.Forced marriage

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"Congratulations Mr. Felix Alexander. you are accepted as a model in Leandor fashion designing company."

This was like a dream to Felix as this job was unexpected yet unbelievable as he got a job in world's number one fashion designing company. He was a 20 year's old experience less college student. This was like a miracle as his mother was sick and he needed money for her sickness.

Sofia Dove Amel was the CEO of the company. Elegant, strict yet mysterious. She was same age as Felix, 20 years old.

"Welcome Mr.Felix to our company. We all trust you. So work with your full energy. You will work here 3months as trainer and then we will make you as a permanent employ", Sofia said to Felix while shaking hands.

"Mission begins now", a shadow passed away.

Felix join Sofia's company as model although he is still in college because his sick mother. Felix felt lucky yet unbelievable as he has not worked anywhere before.

It's being one year since Felix joined the company.

All went well within this year except one thing. After Felix joined the company, he felt weird as always someone who came close to him get died or disappeared unreasonably. Yet he ignored those weird feelings as he thought he was over thinking.

One day Sofia's father came to the company and he asked Felix to meet him.

"Can I come in sir ? ", Felix asked while opening the door.

"Yes come in. Sit please.", Mr.Leandor said while closing the laptop and making eye contact with Felix.

" I wanted to talk about a serious matter. Don't think I quickly take this decision without thinking. This was an idea from long time and I think this is the time to do it. Felix, you should marry Sofia.", Mr Leandor said in a serious tone.

Felix was beyond the shock. This was really unexpected.

"What? I mean do you mean it? I'm sorry but..."

Before Felix can continue Mr Leandor cut him in the middle of the talk as said.

"No, don't worry. You can think and give an answer. But I accept only positive answers.", his tone was harsh.

"Sorry Mr Leandor but I'm really sorry I'm not yet ready for a marriage and I already have a girlfriend. Beside all the reasons I don't have any feeling towards Miss Sofia."

"I said earlier that I don't take no as an answer. I will return tomorrow. Get ready with a positive answer.", Mr Leandor left the office leaving a frustrated Felix.

"Shit. What happened just now?", Felix said while banging the table.

Felix got to know that Mr Leandor was the dangerous mafia leader called black spider, who was very famous for ruthless and outrageous behaviour. Felix argued several days about this matter with Mr Leandor. But he wanted Felix you marry Sofia. So as a warning sign he kidnapped Felix's mother and threatened him. Same night Felix's girlfriend broke up with him without a proper reason. He guessed Mr Leandor must have threatened her as well. So, Felix got no choice but to agree to marry Sofia.

"Mr. Leandor, I will agree to your decision.", Felix accepted the defeat.

"Then let's inform Sofia about this marriage."

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