The River in Reverse

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Nik had taken Victoria back to the mansion, but not before she forced him to take her clothes shopping because her stomach was getting bigger. She also bought things she thought would be fun to use. She nearly bought the entire store before Nik had to practically drag her out before she found any more cute clothes.

The next day she had woken up and gotten ready for the day, happy to see Rebekah again. She walked downstairs to see Nik biting a woman's wrist. Rebekah sat opposite to him, drinking something out of a cup. Between them there was a table full of food.

She walked over to the table, pressing a kiss to Rebekah's cheek, "Good morning sexy bexy. Niklaus." She gave the man a dirty look.

The blonde original gave her a smile, rubbing the wolf's baby bump as a hello to the baby, until Nik spoke. "Good morning little wolf. Might I ask what all of this hostility is about?" He asked as he pulled out a chair beside him for her to sit.

"This hostility is from you leaving Hayley in danger with a hallucinating original vampire. And that you dragged me out of that store." She replied bitterly about the last part as she sat in the chair that Nik pulled out for her.

Nik rolled his eyes before turning to the pregnant teen, "She accused me of using my child for weaponry. The punishment fit the crime, as well as Elijah." He leaned back in his chair, pushing back some of her hair so it rested behind her ear, sliding his hands down to play with the ends of her hair, twirling it around his fingers.

She shrugged his hands off, "Well, first of all, she's our child not just yours. Second of all, It's been a full day, Hayley's had enough punishment." She turned her head to find him looking at her. She rolled her eyes and began filing her plate with the food that sat on the table.

Nik ignored her previous statements and turned his attention to Rebekah, "Have you spoken to our good friend Marcel today?"

Rebekah shrugged, "No, should I have?"

Nik narrowed his eyes on his sister, "He's been mysteriously silent - avoiding me, some might say. I thought perhaps he may have whispered reasons into your ear. Along with all of those sweet nothings." That caused him to get kicked by Victoria under the table.

"If I see him I'll be sure to ask if he's still sore at you." She rolled her eyes.

"Let me give a voice to that look in your eyes. My saintly noble brother lies writhing in agony in the bayou, victim of my bastard-brother's-bite, when just one or two drops of his blood would ease his pain." He told her with a look asking if he was correct.

Rebekah shook her head, taking a sip of her drink, giving the hybrid a fake smile, "On the contrary, Nik, I am simply enjoying my breaky waiting for Elijah's healthy return." She glanced at Victoria who nodded, just watching them go back and forth, only worrying about stuffing her face since she was eating for two now.

Nik scoffed and hit his hands on the table, "Oh, come on Rebekah, you've been giving me the devil's eye all morning. Out with it!" He demanded as his sister glared at him.

Rebekah grew upset with each word she spoke next, "Perhaps I'm concerned that if I voice my opinion about what you did to Elijah, I will end up on the wrong side of your toxic hybrid teeth." She spoke coldly.

Nik looked offended, "Poppycock! I would never bite you. Elijah made some very offensive accusations about my intentions towards my child. He deserves a day or two of discomfort." He snapped.

"Besides," he started devilishly, "you know my preferred method of punishment for your indiscretions is the dagger." He ended with a smirk. Victoria stared at the champagne that sat on the table that they used to make their mimosas, wishing she could drink. Oh, how this family made her want to drink.

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