Chapter 7: Bring it on

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It had been a month since anybody had seen the two werewolves

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It had been a month since anybody had seen the two werewolves. It's been a month since Hayley and Victoria had revealed their plan and gotten 12 hybrids killed and made Tyler go on the run. They had found out that Katherine had made a deal with the she-wolves to find the cure for vampirism before the Scooby gang did.

Hayley and Victoria had left to go and find more information, but someone had spilled all of their plans dealing with Katherine to the Salvatores and now the Doppelganger sent vampires to kill the wolves.

They'd finally had enough of these idiot vampires finding them, so Hayley had forced Victoria to call Klaus. When the Moore girl had asked Hayley how she had the hybrid's number, she simply told her that she got it off of Tyler's phone and put it in her's, so Victoria could call her secret lover. Victoria hit her upside the head for her teasing comment.

The wolves walked out of a small store by a truck stop parking lot somewhere around Mystic Falls. The younger brunette heard a sound, causing them to stalk forwards cautiously. They walked between two eighteen-wheelers. They heard the sound of something hitting metal and they stopped walking only to hear another noise behind them. "It sounds like there are two of them, Hales." Victoria acknowledged.

"Yeah, I take the front, you take the back?" Hayley asked, both preparing for a fight they'd most likely never win. They would go down fighting though.

Hayley kept walking forward, engaging in battle with the vampire with a piece of wood she'd luckily found on the floor, breaking it in two sharp pieces. Victoria, however, hadn't been as lucky. The girl turned around and spotted a man standing in between the two eighteen-wheelers.

He sped over to Victoria, using his vamp speed before she even got a chance to react. He grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the side of one of the trucks. She heard her name being shouted by Hayley as she got closer to defeating her attacker. Victoria began to choke and gasp for air. Her attacker threw her to the ground. Hayley finally managed to stake her own vampire in the heart before moving to help her best friend. Before she could, Klaus appeared. He grabbed the vampire that was about to injure the Moore girl by his jacket and spun him around to face him, "Have a care, mate. That's no way to treat a lady."

Klaus' eyes began glowing and his fangs came out, as he bit into the vampire's neck. He began to scream. Klaus stopped drinking his blood and threw him against the truck causing him to fall against the ground.

Klaus turned to face the girl on the ground who had a look of shock on her face. "You came."

Klaus held out a hand to Victoria, she took it and he pulled her up from the ground. "Well, you did say it was urgent," Hayley looked at the vampire Klaus had thrown to the ground. He got up and sped away, "Oh, don't worry about him, love. He'll never make it through tomorrow night."

"What if there are more?" Victoria asked.

"You were foolish enough to make a deal with Katerina Petrova," Klaus told them, "She used you to find the cure, and now you're nothing but a loose end. You'll be lucky if she lets you live."

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