Chapter 6: O, come all ye faithful

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Tyler, Hayley, Kim and Victoria were in the Lockwood cellar as they waited for Adrian to come back from Klaus' mansion. Victoria was playing games on her phone when she heard the hybrid walk in. "I'm sick of taking his crap. I should rip his throat off, see if he can boss us around without a larynx." Adrian complained.

Bold of you to assume you'd get that far with him. Victoria thought.

They all faced him, "You won't have to take it much longer." Tyler assured him.

Kim walked towards her now alpha, "You keep saying that, but here we are, hiding, plotting a revolution that's never gonna happen."

Hayley chuckled, "Never say never," making Victoria think of the Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith song, "And never say we don't pull through."

"What are you talking about?" Kim asked, confused.

Victoria spoke up, "We found the witch that's gonna save your lives."

Adrian looked at the girls in shock. "Are you serious?"

"No, we're joking," Hayley elbowed her side, "Yes, we're serious."

Tyler nodded as he wrapped arms around both girls. "We promised you guys we'd free you from Klaus. You did your part by breaking your sire bond. Now Hayley, Tori and I are going to do ours."

The girls looked at each other as everyone else cheered. This had gotten so much more complicated due to the previous night. They'd been convinced to help Shane with his plan so they could find out how to meet their parents again, but unfortunately they had to sacrifice everything.

 They'd been convinced to help Shane with his plan so they could find out how to meet their parents again, but unfortunately they had to sacrifice everything

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Victoria was busy getting ready for the winter wonderland Charity event in front of a mirror at Tyler's house when Hayley walked in.

"Wow, you look hot." Victoria turned around to see her best friend checking her out.

"When do I not look hot Hales?" Victoria said, causing Hayley to roll her eyes playfully.

"Nice to know you can gracefully take a compliment." Making both girls chuckle.

"You look great, Hayley. Nice outfit." Victoria told her, making the girl smile proudly at her choice.

"Thanks, it's a charity, kind of have to look nice. But you look like you're trying to impress someone. Klaus, maybe?" Giving the Moore girl a smirk

"What do you mean by that, Hayley?"

Hayley shrugged, "I don't know, I mean, I could only guess that you two might have been feeling each other when y'all first met. Y'all were just staring at each other like there's no tomorrow."

That was true. There was also one point where Victoria had told Hayley that the hybrid was kind of attractive and that it would have been great if he wasn't evil. "That doesn't mean anything Hayley, why don't you focus on your crush on Tyler and my nonexistent liking of the Original hybrid that will never happen."

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