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Mirage walked along the halls of the lab, arms folded tightly against her chest. She didn't know what was right anymore... She believed in the cause the scientists were working toward, but she also believed it to be wrong to use the mutants the way they were. People were dying... Mutants and normals alike. It was a horrifying thing to witness. She stopped in front of the infirmary and looked inside at Narcolepse, sitting still while they pulled bullets from his skin. She gagged and turned away. This was wrong on so many levels... She couldn't keep standing around and just watching it all happen.

Mirage headed over to the main office where the lead woman worked from. She went by Ms. Jackson, a play on a song by Panic! At the Disco. Nobody really knew her real name and everyone was fine with calling her Ms. Jackson. Mirage knocked on the door and waited. She could see the woman inside, massaging her temples as she stared at a screen. It was like she hadn't even heard. Mirage knocked again. The woman glanced over at the door, then pushed a button that sent a screen over the window. She didn't want to be disturbed, then. Mirage groaned and headed back down the hall. As she walked, she passed by a room holding several tablets and other devices.

Mirage paused. She slowly backed up and looked into the room. It was empty. She looked left and right down the halls, then darted into the room and collected a tablet, hiding it in her shirt.

This is so stupid! She thought to herself. I'm gonna get caught and I'll be in so much trouble!

But... Maybe it was worth it.

Later that night, she went to visit Narcolepse. She pressed buttons on the tablet, forcing him out of bed and having him stand in front of her. She let out a shaky breath.

"What am I doing...?"

She asked herself, then shook her head and looked into his dead teal eyes.

"Please forgive me... I'll do anything."

She pushed a button that made the monster rest, releasing Narcolepse from its hold. In that second, tears released from his eyes, then he started to scream and wail. Panic washed over Mirage and she quickly woke up the monster and made his outburst of emotions stop. She breathed shakily and stared at him with wide eyes.

"Let's not do that again..."

She left the room quickly and put the tablet back before anyone knew what she had done.

"Don't be stupid. Don't be stupid, Mirage. Don't be stupid!"

She said to herself. She tucked herself into bed, then cried herself to sleep.

The Creeps (Sequel to The Weirdos)Where stories live. Discover now