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In the morning, Narcolepse pulled Snow aside.
"We need to talk."
"Not this again..."
"I have something this time, Snow. You've got to just hear me out. Please?"
Snow frowned at Narcolepse.
"Fine. Help me take some of these bags downstairs and Freak and Phoenix will go get breakfast."
Narcolepse frowned at the words, but nodded. He had to put a little bit of trust in her that she wouldn't make off with the boy. They took the bags downstairs and out to the Jeep while the other two went to breakfast. Once the bags were settled, Snow turned to Narcolepse.
"Ok, speak. What's so important or incriminating that would make me turn this whole thing around?"
"She has a phone. She made a phone call last night."
Snow crossed his arms.
"Really? Where is this mystery phone? Because I haven't seen one. I haven't heard one vibrating or making any sound whatsoever. Did you see the phone?"
"Well, no... But, I heard her in the bathroom. She was talking-"
"Whoa whoa whoa. You were listening to her while she was in the bathroom? What the fuck, Narcolepse? Can't you just leave the girl alone?"
"Snow, you don't understand. She has a phone. She was talking to someone about taking us to the safe house. She told them we'd be there tonight. Who would she need to tell that to? She's not trustworthy, Snow! We can't keep travelling with her."
"You sound like a mad man. A fucking off his rocker insane person who is finding every little excuse to make someone look bad just because of his own paranoia. Not everyone is out to get you, Narcolepse. So calm the fuck down. Just give the woman a chance. She's going to teach me to control my powers. That way I won't hurt anyone anymore. No one else will come close to dying at my hands when we're finished training."
"Is that what she told you?"
"Oh my god, Narcolepse!"
Snow rolled his eyes and started walking away. Narcolepse ran ahead of him and stood in front of him, outstretching his arms to keep Snow from going anywhere.
"Please believe me. She's bad news. I can feel it. She just has you under some sort of spell. Just because she was in your dreams doesn't immediately make her trustworthy. She could be evil for all you know, Snow. Would you please listen to me? What has she done to make you believe we should trust her? So she shows up and rescues Freak. So she has insane control over her powers. So she knows about some secret safe house. What in there says she can be trusted?"
"I don't know, instinct?! Which you seem to have lost all feelings for. You don't think with your fucking gut, you think with that stupid messed up head of yours! We're going with Phoenix. That's the end of it. I don't want to hear anymore shit about this. You hear me, Narcolepse?! I'm done. You're a liar and pathetic and you're... You're... Ugh!"
Snow went around Narcolepse and headed back inside to join Freak and Phoenix at breakfast. Narcolepse couldn't eat. He felt too sick. This wasn't going the way he planned. This went the worst way it possibly could have gone and now he'd lost Snow. He wasn't coming back from Phoenix's grasp. What could he do?

The Creeps (Sequel to The Weirdos)Where stories live. Discover now