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Apparently, Snow was crazy. He snuck into the room after Books went to bed and looked through all his files and information until he dug up what he wanted. The location of Skins... Or, well... Her last known location. He nodded to himself, then went to the supply room. He gathered a small amount of materials, then stuffed them into a bag and headed out. After walking a great distance, he made it to a road and kept going. Eventually, a car had to pass and he'd hitch a ride. He was going right back to the place it all started... Arizona. Just as he thought, a car headed down the road and he stuck out his thumb and waited. The car slowed to a stop and the driver's door opened. He frowned. That wasn't a good sign. He felt his body go stiff and still, preparing for fight or flight. The driver came around the door and Snow felt the sweat bead up on the back of his neck. His legs trembled and he gulped. He could feel his heart beating hard and his breathing turned shaky and irregular.

"Geez, you look like you're about to meet your maker."

"Nicholas?! You bastard! You scared the shit out of me, dammit!"

Nicholas gave a laugh and came over to Snow, giving him a hug and ruffling his hair.

"What're you doing out here?"

"Never mind that, tell me about you! How did you get back here? Are you hurt? What about the monster, they didn't get you, did they?"

Nicholas smirked.

"Let's talk in the car. Where are you headed?"


The two piled into the car and Nicholas sighed.

"It wasn't easy. They had me, but it didn't matter. You guys getting out was the goal and I knew that even if they had me, I'd get out again eventually."

"You got out sooner than eventually, though."

Nicholas nodded as he put on his seatbelt.

"I was being strapped down to the hospital bed and they were bringing a monster to my side when my instincts kicked in and I used my mutation to get away."

"What is your mutation?"

Nicholas smirked as he got them on the road.

"Not as cool as yours."

Snow rolled his eyes.

"Haha... I've heard them all."

Nicholas chuckled and glanced at Snow.

"I can erase memories..."

He stared forward again, eyes going glossy and distant.

"And that's all I have to say about that."

The two fell into silence, Snow frowning and staring out the window at the passing scenery. So many people were struggling. The biggest issue they should have to deal with is simply figuring themselves out. Not worrying about whether they'll be enslaved and or die...

The Creeps (Sequel to The Weirdos)Where stories live. Discover now