29 Rewrite

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A week passed. No word from Snow, Freak, or even Evelyn. Narcolepse was trying his best to keep it together. They would all be fine, right? No... No, they wouldn't. But what could he do about that? His visions told him it would be bad. What use was it, being hopeful? Especially when you knew it was all going to end in disaster? Narcolepse pushed the food around on his plate and stared blankly at the book in front of him. He couldn't focus on any of the words.

"Hey! Asshole! Give me the food or eat it. Just stop teasing me with the damn shit."

Narcolepse looked over at the familiar voice. Sitting one table over was Phoenix. She looked quite rough. She didn't have any makeup on and she looked pale, sick. Her lips were chapped and she appeared very tired. He stood with the food and brought it to her. She was immediately scarfing it down like some sort of starved animal. She didn't look thinner, so that must mean they fed her, right? Why was she behaving so strange? No. It shouldn't matter. She had wronged them. She was getting what she deserved here.

"You're lookin' rough, buddy."

"Tch, you're one to talk."

Narcolepse responded, turning away from her. No reason to engage in conversation with her... No reason at all. He walked away and picked up his book, heading back to his room. Why would they just let her sit in the cafeteria like that? And how did they suppress her ability? What was to stop her from burning the whole place to the ground? Just another problem to stack on top of all the millions of other problems going on with Narcolepse... Yeah. Fun times. Dammit, he just wanted to feel ok. For five minutes. Was that so hard? Apparently the universe thought so...

Snow stared wide eyed at Books as he held Freak with a tube in his hand containing one of the monsters.

"Books, don't! You can't!"

"Can't I, Snow? It doesn't look like there's much you can do to stop me."

Freak whimpered and yelped when Books moved the tube closer.

"Snow, don't let it get me!"

"Stop! What do you want?! Just don't do this!"

"Now you're speaking my language."

Books smiled.

The Creeps (Sequel to The Weirdos)Where stories live. Discover now